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Essentials of Environmental Chemistry for Engineering Practice: Environmental Chemistry
Author: Yen, Ten Fu

Cover: Hard cover
List Price: $76.00
Published by Prentice Hall
Date Published: 05/1998
ISBN: 0132854201


Preface                                            xx  
  Foreword                                           xxii
  Part 1  REVIEW ON BASIC CHEMISTRY                  3   
    Chapter 1  PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY                    3   
      1.1  Gas-Liquid-Solid                          4   
      1.2 Thermodynamics                             8   
        1.2.1  Temperature, Heat, and Work           9   
        1.2.2  The First Law of Thermodynamics       9   
        1.2.3  The Second Law of Thermodynamics      11  
        and Entropy Pollution
        1.2.4  Free Energy                           14  
        1.2.5  Thermodynamic Properties              17  
        1.2.6  Applications to Solid Systems         21  
      1.3  Kinetics                                  24  
        1.3.1  First-Order Reactions                 25  
        1.3.2  Second-Order Reactions                25  
        1.3.3  Consecutive Reactions                 26  
        1.3.4  Temperature Dependence of Reaction    28  
      1.4  Units and Conventions                     28  
    Chapter 2  ORGANIC CHEMISTRY                     39  
      2.1  Structure and Properties                  40  
      2.2  Functional Groups in Organic Compounds    51  
        2.2.1  Oxygen Functional Groups              53  
        2.2.2  Nitrogen Functional Groups            55  
        2.2.3  Sulfur Functional Groups              56  
        2.2.4  Others--The Halides and               57  
      2.3  Structure Activity Relationship           59  
        2.3.1  Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons      63  
      2.4  Methods for Studying Structure            65  
      Activity Relationship
        2.4.1  Molecular Connectivity                66  
        2.4.2  Factor Analysis                       66  
        2.4.3  Pattern Recognition                   67  
    Chapter 3  ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY                  73  
      3.1  Acid-Base Chemistry                       74  
        3.1.1  Titration Curve                       78  
        3.1.2  Buffers and Buffer Index              82  
      3.2  Instrument Analysis                       84  
        3.2.1  Gamma-Ray Spectometry                 86  
        3.2.2  X-Ray Diffraction                     86  
        3.2.3  Mass Spectrometry                     87  
        3.2.4  Ultraviolet/Visible                   87  
        3.2.5  Infrared Spectrophotometry            91  
        3.2.6  Nuclear Magnetic Resonance            91  
      3.3  Separation Sciences                       93  
      3.4  Chemical Measurements                     99  
        3.4.1  Precision, Errors, Data Reduction     99  
        3.4.2  Quality Assurance and Quality         102 
    Chapter 4  COLLOID AND SURFACE CHEMISTRY         107 
      4.1  Colloidal System                          108 
      4.2  Colloidal Range and Adsorption            109 
      4.3  Surfactants                               117 
        4.3.1  Emulsions                             119 
        4.3.2  Membrane-Mimetic Chemistry            123 
      4.4  Derjaguin-Landau-Verney-Overbeek          126 
      (DLVO) Theory
        4.4.1  Electric Double Layer                 127 
        4.4.2  Electrokinetic Phenomena              132 
        4.4.3  Hamaker Constants                     136 
  Part 2  CHEMISTRY OF MAJOR SPHERES                 143 
    Chapter 5  LITHOSPHERE--FOSSIL FUELS             143 
      5.1  Energy and Power                          144 
      5.2  Total Energy Consumption                  150 
      5.3  Fossil Energy                             156 
        5.3.1  Petroleum and Gas                     157 
        5.3.2  Oil Shale                             160 
        5.3.3  Coal                                  164 
        5.3.4  Tar Sands                             166 
      5.4  Resource Models                           167 
        5.4.1  Macroscopic Approach by King          167 
        5.4.2  McKelvey's Microanalytical Model      171 
        5.4.3  Dynamic Model of Meadows              174 
        5.4.4  Odum Ecological Model                 175 
      5.5  Energy Conservation and its Chemical      178 
        5.5.1  Intra, Inter and Combined Fuel        178 
        5.5.2  Enhanced Oil Recovery and Ultimate    179 
        Oil Recovery
        5.5.3  Substitution Technology               180 
        5.5.4  Environmentally-Benigh Processing     182 
    Chapter 6  THE LITHOSPHERE--ALTERNATIVE          187 
      6.1  Waste Heat                                188 
      6.2  Plank's Law and Absorption                194 
      6.3  Stefan-Boltzmann's Law and Emissivity     198 
      6.4  Solar Technology                          202 
        6.4.1  Solar Thermal Electric Conversion     203 
        6.4.2  Photovoltaic Devices                  208 
      6.5  Miscellaneous Energy Sources              213 
        6.5.1  Wind Power                            213 
        6.5.2  Tidal Power                           218 
        6.5.3  Geothermal Power                      219 
        6.5.4  Hydrogen Fuel -- "Eco-energy"         220 
    Chapter 7  LITHOSPHERE--NUCLEAR POWER            225 
      7.1 Radioactivity                              226 
        7.1.1  Nuclear Binding Energy                227 
        7.1.2  Nuclear Reactions                     228 
        7.1.3  Radioactive Decay                     231 
        7.1.4  Units of Radioactivity                234 
        7.1.5  Natural Radiation                     236 
        7.1.6  Nuclear Fission                       240 
        7.1.7  Nuclear Fusion                        240 
      7.2  Nuclear Reactors                          242 
        7.2.1 Thermal Reactors                       243 
        7.2.2  Breeder Reactors                      245 
      7.3  Nuclear Fuel Cycle                        246 
        7.3.1  Nuclear Accident                      248 
      7.4  Radioactive Nuclear Waste                 251 
        7.4.1  Nuclear Waste and Waste Types         252 
        7.4.2  Biological Concentration of           254 
        Radioactive Elements
      7.5  Nuclear Waste Disposal and Treatment      255 
        7.5.1  Transmutation                         256 
        7.5.2  Polymer Extraction                    258 
        7.5.3  Aqueous Extraction for Separation     258 
    Chapter 8  ATMOSPHERE--STRUCTURE AND             263 
      8.1  Structure of the Atmosphere               264 
        8.1.1  Barometric Formula                    266 
        8.1.2  Adiabatic Lapse Rate                  267 
      8.2  Greenhouse Effect                         268 
        8.2.1  Carbon Dioxide Cycle                  270 
        8.2.2  Global Warming and Ice Periods        273 
      8.3  Ozone Layer                               282 
        8.3.1  Beer-Lambert Law and Chapman Layers   282 
        8.3.2  Depletion of the Ozone Layer          286 
        8.3.3  Fate of Halomethanes                  288 
      8.4  Stratospheric Chemistry                   291 
        8.4.1  Photochemistry                        293 
        8.4.2  Term Symbols                          295 
      8.5  Thermosphere and Ionosphere               297 
    Chapter 9  ATMOSPHERE--AIR POLLUTION             301 
      9.1  Particulates                              302 
      9.2  Sulfur Oxides                             308 
        9.2.1  Desulfurization                       310 
        9.2.2  Removal of Sulfur Dioxide             312 
        9.2.3  Fate of Sulfur Dioxide                317 
      9.3  Automotive Emissions                      319 
        9.3.1  Carbon Monoxide                       319 
        9.3.2  Nitrogen Oxides                       321 
        9.3.3  Photochemical Smog                    328 
        9.3.4  Antiknocking Agents                   331 
        9.3.5  Catalytic Converters                  334 
      9.4  Tropospheric Chemistry                    335 
      9.5  Meteorology Influenced by Pollutants      339 
        9.5.1  Dispersion of Pollutants              341 
        9.5.2  Gaussian Model                        345 
      10.1  Water Cycle                              352 
        10.1.1  Chemistry of Runoff                  355 
      10.2 Chemical Properties of Natural Waters     357 
      10.3  Acidity and Hardness                     361 
        10.3.1  Hardness                             361 
        10.3.2  Acid Rain                            362 
      10.4  Groundwater                              366 
        10.4.1  Aquifer                              367 
        10.4.2  Darcy's Law and Groundwater          368 
        10.4.3  Stream Function and Turbulent Flow   376 
        10.4.4  Hydrodynamic Control for             397 
        Contaminant Plume
        10.4.5  Chemical Restoration of              404 
        Contaminated Aquifers
    Chapter 11  HYDROSPHERE--NATURAL WATER AND       413 
      11.1  Chemical Oceanography                    414 
        11.1.1  Oil Pollution                        421 
        11.1.2  Tributyltin in a Marine              426 
      11.2  Rivers and Streams                       432 
      11.3  Chemical Limnology                       438 
      11.4  Eutrophication                           442 
        11.4.1  Photosynthesis and Respiration       444 
        11.4.2  Eutrophication and Its Control       447 
    Chapter 12 HYDROSPHERE--WATER TREATMENT          459 
      12.1  Water Quality Criteria                   460 
        12.1.1  Chemistry of Dissolved Oxygen (DO)   466 
        12.1.2  Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)      468 
        12.1.3  Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)         471 
        12.1.4  Theoretical Oxygen Demand (ThOD)     472 
        and Other Tests
      12.2  Staged Wastewater Treatment              476 
        12.2.1  Primary and Intermediate Treatment   476 
        12.2.2  Secondary Treatment                  479 
        12.2.3  Tertiary Treatment                   479 
        12.2.4  Quaternary Treatment                 479 
      12.3  Olfaction and Taste in Water             480 
      12.4  Industrial Wastewater                    485 
        12.4.1  Chemical Perspective of              486 
        Industrial Wastewater
        12.4.2  Chemistry Associated with Synfuel    496 
    Chapter 13  PEDOSPHERE--SOIL CHEMISTRY           509 
      13.1  Introduction to Soil                     510 
      13.2  Soil Formation and Soil Properties       515 
        13.2.1  Soil Organic Matter                  521 
        13.2.2  Chemical and Physical Weathering     525 
        13.2.3  Agricultural Applications            531 
        13.2.4  Geotechnical Applications            535 
        13.2.5 Biodegradation in Soil                542 
      13.3  Ubiquitous Global Soil Pollution         544 
        13.3.1  DDT and PCB                          552 
      13.4  Pesticides and Stockpile Wastes          560 
        13.4.1 The Third Generation Insecticides     563 
        13.4.2  Neurotoxin and Stockpile Waste       568 
    Chapter 14  PEDOSPHERE--HAZARDOUS WASTE AND      577 
      14.1  Solid Waste Chemistry                    578 
        14.1.1  Recycling and Conversion             585 
        14.1.2  Disposal:  Landfill and Leachate     592 
      14.2  Plastic Wastes                           598 
      14.3  Heavy Metals                             606 
        14.3.1  Mercury                              608 
        14.3.2  Lead                                 615 
        14.3.3  Cadmium                              616 
      14.4  Hazardous Waste                          617 
      14.5  Remediation Technology                   622 
        14.5.1  Bioaccumulation                      622 
        14.5.2  Soil Vapor Extraction                623 
        14.5.3  Encapsulation and Vitrification      629 
        14.5.4  In-Situ and On-Site Remediation      630 
    Chapter 15  BIOSPHERE--GEOCHEMICAL ASPECTS       637 
      15.1  Exosphere                                638 
      15.2  Radioactive Dating                       645 
      15.3  Biochemistry                             648 
        15.3.1  Biopolymer                           654 
        15.3.2  Chemical Evolution                   660 
        15.3.3  Chemical Autopoiesis                 665 
      15.4  Environmental Geochemistry               671 
        15.4.1  Geochemical Biomarkers               675 
        15.4.2  Long-Range Geochemical Cycles        682 
    Chapter 16  BIOSPHERE--TOXICOLOGY AND RISKS      697 
      16.1  The Quality of Life                      698 
        16.1.1  Optimization for the                 700 
      16.2  Chemical Toxicology                      703 
        16.2.1  Food Safety                          706 
        16.2.2  Carcinogenesis and Mutagenesis       710 
        16.2.3  Radon                                717 
      16.3  Risk Assessment and Occupational         719 
      16.4  Sound, Microwave, and Other              724 
      Electromagnetic Exposure
        16.4.1  Noise Pollution                      726 
  Appendix A                                         739 
  Appendix B                                         743 
  Appendix C                                         744 
  Appendix D                                         745 
  Appendix E                                         746 
  Epilogue                                           747 
  Index                                              751