Pictometry Real 3D™ of World Cup Stadiums Available for Media Use
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Pictometry Real 3D™ of World Cup Stadiums Available for Media Use

Rochester, NY — June 03, 2010 — Pictometry International Corp., the leading provider of aerial oblique imagery and measuring software, along with its Australian licensee AAM Pty Ltd., announce the availability of new Pictometry imagery and Pictometry Real 3D models of World Cup Stadiums captured for use by international media outlets.

“Pictometry is already working with major TV networks in the U.S. as well as major newspapers to provide this upto-date, stunning imagery,” said Dante Pennacchia Pictometry’s Chief Marketing Officer, adding “we want to share our spectacular imagery and 3D models with broadcasters around the globe.”

Pictometry Real 3D enables users to simulate a view that appears to zoom in on a stadium from space and allow users to fly in and around a location to give audiences a real-time experience. “This adds an amazing perspective for viewers,” said Pennacchia, adding “our 3D is so realistic viewers think that they’re seeing stadiums in real time from a blimp or helicopter when, in fact they’re looking at Pictometry Real 3D.”

Pictometry imagery of locations outside the U.S. is captured by licensees including AAM Pty, the Australian spatial information company that captured the new World Cup imagery. Using Pictometry’s unique image capture system, licensees capture high resolution geo-referenced images for every square foot of a location, giving users multiple views of a location and the ability to annotate and measure directly on images, a feature which is being increasingly utilized in sports coverage.

“The imagery and 3D stadiums are just a part of our larger national imaging efforts in South Africa where we have imaged the bulk of South Africa's urban infrastructure,” said Brian Nicholls, General Manager of AAM Pty Ltd. “Communities across South Africa will benefit from Pictometry products through improved community services, reduced costs and better decision making”.

The World Cup is the most viewed sporting event in the world, exceeding the Olympics. World Cup games occur every four years and involve 32 international teams vying for the title at multiple venues within a host nation. This year’s event runs from June 11 to July 14 in South Africa. To learn more, email Email Contact.

About AAM Pty Ltd

The AAM group is one of the world's leading geospatial technology providers. AAM's services include a range of advanced systems for collection, analysis and presentation of high resolution imagery, map and GIS products. AAM is proud to partner with Pictometry International Corp. to provide the world leading Pictometry technology across our markets in Australasia, South East Asia and Southern Africa. Visit our web site at www.aamgroup.com to see amazing Pictometry images for all of the World Cup stadiums.

About Pictometry

Pictometry International Corp. is a leading provider of geo-referenced, aerial image libraries and related software. Pictometry has captured nearly 130 million digital aerial images which represent more than 80 percent of the United States population and all major U.S. markets. Using its proprietary imaging process, Pictometry captures geo-referenced, high-resolution orthogonal (straight down view) and oblique (captured at an angle) imagery within which structures and land features can be measured. Pictometry customizes and markets these technologies for government and commercial applications. Pictometry’s standard oblique imagery includes second order visualization tools that do not produce authoritative or definitive information (surveying). For more information, visit www.pictometry.com.


Tami Bacon
Public Relations Manager
Tel.: 585-487-1488
E-mail: Email Contact