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Sanjay Gangal
Sanjay Gangal
Sanjay Gangal is the President of IBSystems, the parent company of, MCADCafe, EDACafe.Com, GISCafe.Com, and ShareCG.Com.

“Dwolla: Ubiquity by Design”, Ben Milne @ Where 2012

April 4th, 2012 by Sanjay Gangal

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Ben Milne gave this presentation at the 2012 Where Conference in San Francisco this week.

Ben Milne is a payments outsider and founder of Dwolla, a new payment network based in the heart of the Silicon Prairie. The company continues to disrupt Visa and Mastercard by building useful and innovative online and mobile products on top of its open and low-cost payment network.

Ben is a repeat entrepreneur, having created and sold another multi-million dollar startup with over sea operations back in 2008. Open, candid, and honest, he is a sought after speaker in the international startup community, payments industry, and tech circles. Ben also has extensive leadership, investment, and mentorship experience with numerous companies, charities, and organizations in the Silicon Prairie region. In 2011, he was named to Forbes 30 Under 30 list.

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