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Sanjay Gangal
Sanjay Gangal
Sanjay Gangal is the President of IBSystems, the parent company of, MCADCafe, EDACafe.Com, GISCafe.Com, and ShareCG.Com.

Integrating Bricsnet Enterprise IWMS with BIM and GIS for Facilities Lifecycle Management

April 23rd, 2012 by Sanjay Gangal

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This demonstration highlights the integration of Bricsnet Enterprise software, an Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS) with Building Information Models (BIM) in a Geographic Information System (GIS) environment using Onuma Systems software.

The use case for this demonstration highlights Property, Space and Asset data originating in the Onuma BIM environment imported via web-services to Bricsnet IWMS where this information is used to create a Corrective Maintenance Work Order, minimizing the time it takes for labor resources to manually enter this information from paper and electronic sources into the IWMS system.

In addition to reducing cost of data, automating this processes also significantly improves data quality by eliminating errors associated with manual data entry keystrokes, greatly reduces time to access critical information and enables resources to access information from a variety devices and platforms, where, when and how they need it.

Lastly, the ability to perform advanced Real Property analytics simultaneously in both a BIM and GIS environment is a revolutionary breakthrough for this industry.

For more information please visit our website at This demonstration highlights the integration of Bricsnet Enterprise software, an Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS) with Building Information Models (BIM) in a Geographic Information System (GIS) environment using Onuma Systems software.

The use case for this demonstration highlights Property, Space and Asset data originating in the Onuma BIM environment imported via web-services to Bricsnet IWMS where this information is used to create a Corrective Maintenance Work Order, minimizing the time it takes for labor resources to manually enter this information from paper and electronic sources into the IWMS system.

In addition to reducing cost of data, automating this processes also significantly improves data quality by eliminating errors associated with manual data entry keystrokes, greatly reduces time to access critical information and enables resources to access information from a variety devices and platforms, where, when and how they need it.

Lastly, the ability to perform advanced Real Property analytics simultaneously in both a BIM and GIS environment is a revolutionary breakthrough for this industry.

For more information please visit our website at

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