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Sanjay Gangal
Sanjay Gangal
Sanjay Gangal is the President of IBSystems, the parent company of, MCADCafe, EDACafe.Com, GISCafe.Com, and ShareCG.Com.

ArcGIS Runtime SDK within Windows 8 Metro Style Applications

May 22nd, 2012 by Sanjay Gangal

Morten Nielsen previews the efforts being made with ArcGIS Runtime SDK within Windows 8 Metro style applications.

Windows 8 essentially runs in two different modes — one is like the traditional windows environment in Windows 7.

The second mode is the Metro style. The Metro style apps are designed to be full screen, beautiful, connected to the people and content you care about, interactive and touch-first, and work in a variety of layouts and form factors. Metro style apps takes center stage, while the operating system remains in the background.

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