Project Phoenix Gives Rise to ERDAS IMAGINE Viewer of the Future
Project Phoenix, ERDAS’ latest mission to provide peak software performance to the geospatial industry, is well under way and promises to significantly advance ERDAS IMAGINE’s viewer technology. Leveraging multi-core CPUs and GPUs, the Phoenix viewer enables smooth continuous zooming and roaming, real-time processing, and orthorectification on-the-fly. Additionally, the new viewer technology enables ERDAS IMAGINE users to view thousands of images simultaneously and toggle from
a flat, projected image display to a 3D Globe with a single button-click.
To read more or watch the Phoenix viewer in action, visit ERDAS Labs.
Enhanced compression wavelet (ECW) is a high-performance compressed file format designed specifically for geospatial imagery. When compared to other image compression formats, ERDAS’ patented ECW technology provides the industry’s fastest decompression and compression rates possible. Remarkably, this is done without placing a heavy load on computer memory and processors, while also maintaining high compression ratios and visually lossless image quality.
ERDAS provides a range of products enabling full use of this unique technology, from creating, reading, and serving ECW files, to enabling their use within browsers, other commercial applications, or applications you create.
To learn more about ECW and find the right product for your needs, visit the new ECW page on www.erdas.com/ECW.
ERDAS APOLLO Improves City Services in Melbourne, Australia
The City of Melbourne in Victoria, Australia is using ERDAS APOLLO Essentials – Image Web Server as a foundation for CoMPASS, an intranet mapping application designed to
improve city services for citizens. CoMPASS unites disparate geospatial datasets and rapidly serves them to city employees and contractors within a comprehensive, easy-to-use interface that
enables them to improve community services while minimizing labor, time and costs for the City. Read More
Mapping Urban Permeability
Among land-use planners, there is a growing awareness of the role that earth surface permeability plays in maintaining the health of the environment and its human inhabitants. Maintenance of the water cycle within urban and suburban areas requires a certain balance between permeable surfaces such as vegetation or soil and impermeable surfaces such as buildings and pavement. Successful monitoring of this balance involves a constantly evolving database requiring frequent
Recently, ERDAS technology played a key role in updating the built-up and impervious layers of Europe, covering 5.8 million square kilometers and spanning 38 countries. A largely automated process, the update was implemented with ERDAS IMAGINE’s Model Maker, a graphical tool that enables users to easily develop models as flow charts. Read more
Are you still perplexed by how to find functions in IMAGINE’s ribbon interface? The Help tab has a Search function which will search the interface and return all instances of your search term in either the name or description of the function. You can launch the function straight from Search Results or hover the cursor over the function to see where to find it in the future. To learn more visit www.erdas.com/training.
August 24, 2011
GeoEye Imagery and IMAGINE Objective: CAPITALIZE on Your Imagery Investment
August 26, 2011
Spanish Webinar: Incremente al Máximo el Rendimiento de sus Recursos Computacionales con ERDAS 2011
August 30, 2011
Live Link: Uniting Intergraph’s GeoMedia & ERDAS IMAGINE to Enrich Your Workflows
New Archived Webinars Available:
From the Sensor to the Internet: Ordnance Survey Ireland’s Complete Solution
Getting More from ERDAS IMAGINE
Click here to view all our Archived Webinars!
Did you know that ERDAS offers training in Australia & New Zealand, the USA and Online? For more info, e-mail training@erdas.com.
Online Classes:
August 24: Introduction to IMAGINE Model Maker
September 15-16: Fundamentals of ERDAS IMAGINE 2
September 20-21: Multispectral Classification
Denver, Colorado, USA:
August 29-31: Fundamentals of ERDAS IMAGINE 1
September 1-2: Fundamentals of ERDAS IMAGINE 2
Atlanta, Georgia, USA:
September 1-2: Multispectral Classification
September 26-28: Introduction to LPS
Melbourne, Australia:
October 18-20: Introduction to LPS
Leige, Belgium:
September 19-23: Standard APOLLO Training
September 5-9
Photogrammetric Week 2011
Stuttgart, Germany
September 12-14
ERDAS Nordic User Conference
Åhus, Sweden
September 27-29
Intergeo 2011
Nuremberg, Germany
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