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Posts Tagged ‘Bran Farren’

Five Minutes into the Future: An Argument for Taking a Longer View

Thursday, February 14th, 2013

Last month, Esri held its Geodesign Summit, which is an annual gathering of professionals interested in using geospatial technologies to arrive at the best and most sustainable design solutions.

The event’s keynote speaker was Bran Ferren, Co-Founder and Chief Creative Officer of Applied Minds.  His organization invents and prototypes high technology products and innovative business concepts for the aerospace, defense, intelligence, automotive, architecture, computing, and consumer products sectors.

Needless to say Ferren provided a very innovative perspective on where the future of geodesign is headed.   In addition, he discussed how geodesign is becoming a new form of storytelling that will elevate the importance of key issues and global topics.

Farren also discussed how Geodesign plays a key role in “making things actionable in the course of human events.”  And, he provided a list of the new big six things that you may want to focus on in terms of Geodesign.

According to Farren, design is a privilege and there are three types of design:  reality-based design, fantasy-based design and bad design, which is the dominant form of design.  Farren pointed out how bad design is very dominant because many forces make it difficult to truly innovative.

This is merely a snapshot of many of the topics covered in the keynote address.  To hear a true innovator discuss the future of design, we highly recommend viewing this video below. (more…)

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