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Susan Smith
Susan Smith
Susan Smith has worked as an editor and writer in the technology industry for over 16 years. As an editor she has been responsible for the launch of a number of technology trade publications, both in print and online. Currently, Susan is the Editor of GISCafe and AECCafe, as well as those sites’ … More »

“View from horseback” isometric maps

November 25th, 2009 by Susan Smith

santa-fe-mapMapmaker Jamshid Kooros has published seven bird’s-eye-view, vue cavaliere (literally, “the view from horseback”) or isometric maps of Washington, D.C., Arlington National Cemetery, Williamsburg, Va., Paris, Versailles, Claude Monet’s home and garden at Giverny, France, and London. His latest tourist map is of Santa Fe, sketched in colored pencil.

The Iranian-born, English-raised, American-educated architect who lives in Alexandria, Va. doesn’t like computers but he does use a digital camera and Google Earth maps to see how a location all fits.

A full-color poster of Kooros’ map is expected to retail for under $15, with a smaller, four-fold map for $7 to $8. Both should be available via or by March.

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