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Susan Smith
Susan Smith
Susan Smith has worked as an editor and writer in the technology industry for over 16 years. As an editor she has been responsible for the launch of a number of technology trade publications, both in print and online. Currently, Susan is the Editor of GISCafe and AECCafe, as well as those sites’ … More »

Esri’s new release of the Infrastructure Editing Template (IET)

November 2nd, 2011 by Susan Smith

According to Esri “the Infrastructure Network Editing template is an ArcGIS 10 editing map and toolbar for managing water, sewer and storm water utility data.  (

It is an editor that can be used by mapping technicians in a water utility, sewer authority or public works department. You can configure the Infrastructure Network Editing Template in your environment and in doing so, you’ll learn how to update and maintain water, sewer, and storm water data using ArcGIS Desktop and your organization’s data. To complete the configuration, you will need experience with editing workflows in ArcMap.

This template includes the following:

  • An editing toolbar, reporting toolbar, a set of constructions tools, and an editor extension that is added to your ArcInfo or ArcEditor installation
  • A multi-scale ArcMap document designed for editing
  • The Local Government geodatabase with sample data from the City of Naperville, Illinois

The Infrastructure Editing toolbars contain a series of custom editing and reporting tools that improve the editing experience for ArcGIS users working with infrastructure data. For example, there are tools that:

  • Automatically connect service connections to laterals and their mains
  • Report tracing results along the utility network
  • Graph the profile of a sewer main”

According to Esri, these tools require an ArcEditor or an ArcInfo ArcGIS Desktop License. A multi-user GDB is required if there is more than one editor. If you want to publish services of your water utility data, then an ArcGIS Server Standard or Advance is required.

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