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Susan Smith
Susan Smith
Susan Smith has worked as an editor and writer in the technology industry for over 16 years. As an editor she has been responsible for the launch of a number of technology trade publications, both in print and online. Currently, Susan is the Editor of GISCafe and AECCafe, as well as those sites’ … More »

Geofencing moves beyond traditional location-based applications

February 4th, 2013 by Susan Smith

“With low-cost developer’s tools becoming available, geofencing is finally coming out of the shadows, moving beyond traditional location-based applications, to form the backbone of a host of new applications and services.

As the back-end complexities of supporting location-based services continues to escalate, developers are increasingly turning to platform providers such as carriers, Google, Qualcomm, Esri, Urban Airship, and others to provide an easy, scalable geofencing service. In its report, “Geofencing: Technologies, Applications, and Revenue Strategies”, ABI Research investigates the full range of carrier and smartphone applications that will utilize geofencing in the coming years, including retail, enterprise, push notification, local search, social networking, ambient intelligence, etc”

-ABI Research

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