GISCafe Voice ![]() Susan Smith
Susan Smith has worked as an editor and writer in the technology industry for over 16 years. As an editor she has been responsible for the launch of a number of technology trade publications, both in print and online. Currently, Susan is the Editor of GISCafe and AECCafe, as well as those sites’ … More » Streaming 3D Model Maps from Cesium and CyberCity Coming Soon!May 19th, 2015 by Susan Smith
Analytical Graphics Inc. (AGI) is previewing the capability to stream high resolution 3D models into any Cesium-based client.
Cesium provides streaming building model content now coupled with CyberCity 3D’s 3D buildings in subsets, will give shape to the new solution. CyberCity 3D is a geospatial modeling company that specializes in smart 3D GIS buildings. These buildings enable an open architecture and visual performance that allow for publishing building attributes and links. According to CyberCity 3D CEO Kevin DeVito, the initial launch will be to the Cesium User Group who number around 8,000. Several cities and municipalities will come online when the product is launched in mid-July. GISCafe: Are the 3D models all from CyberCity 3D? Kevin DeVito: The 3D models are very unique. They are created with CC3D software and converted to Gltf format (Cesium format.. there a converter here). But after that, the buildings are then put on the 3D Building Streaming server and streamed via a quad-tree architecture and then managed via LOD on the browser. That is the critical step. GISCafe: Where does the local Zoning and street vector data come from? Kevin DeVito: The Zoning and street vectors for the Seattle Map came from Seattle’s Open Data Web Site https://data.seattle.gov/ GISCafe: What exactly is Cesium’s contribution and how does CyberCity 3D data fit in? Kevin DeVito: Cesium is the freely downloadable open architecture globe. https://cesiumjs.org/index.html CyberCity 3D is the proprietary streaming building content. The buildings are designed for maximum streaming capability with “building select” and “building data” information. The buildings data comes from the CyberCity 3D API. I attached a schematic. The second schematic shows the Esri link, which is common because a lot of data is created in the Arc GIS environment. Also I included the data schematic which is also open architecture so users can author and feed all kinds of data into each individual building file. The streaming services will come from CyberCity 3D and AGI. http://www.agi.com/ GISCafe: How do you ensure accuracy of the data in these applications? Kevin DeVito: The data coming from CyberCity (3D Buildings is 6-inch resolution) is usually from aerial images. But if we model source data comes from satellite, it will be 1 foot. Cesium has an image server so the orthos coming from Esri/Bing/OSM, etc. is pretty accurate. Cesium can also load/stream terrains. GISCafe: How will users implement this information, in what contexts? Kevin DeVito: This article should be helpful…. 3D Streaming Maps Enhancing GIS Assets Smart Buildings We encourage the Cesium user community to build 3D streaming maps covering several GIS asset categories from a global community of GIS stakeholders in both public and private sectors. The benefits include the improvement of:
The list goes on…….. This is not a CC3D data set, but here’s how real-time data can feed into Cesium… https://cesiumjs.org/demos/agsattrack.html Cesium started in military intelligence and now they are in the built environment. Totally different market. Tags: 3D buildings, 3D GIS, Analytical Graphics Inc., Cesium, CyberCity 3D, geospatial, GIS, open architecture Categories: 3D Cities, 3D designs, 3D PDF, analytics, ArcGIS, Big Data, developers, geospatial, GIS One Response to “Streaming 3D Model Maps from Cesium and CyberCity Coming Soon!” |
Jarlath, I think that what Gene mentioned about cemrpossion indeed means support for the LASzip-compressed LAS files (aka LAZ). Since ELMF last November I have been in talks with ESRI on that and last thing I hears is that there is just one last hurdle to add LAZ to ArcGIS and that is a cle, complete, and easier-to-use DLL interface for LASzip (-: