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Susan Smith
Susan Smith
Susan Smith has worked as an editor and writer in the technology industry for over 16 years. As an editor she has been responsible for the launch of a number of technology trade publications, both in print and online. Currently, Susan is the Editor of GISCafe and AECCafe, as well as those sites’ … More »

IMAGINiT Technologies and Pix4D Partner to Extract Imagery from UAVs

June 18th, 2015 by Susan Smith

Rand Worldwide announced that its IMAGINiT Technologies division is partnering with Pix4D, leading developers of 2D and 3D mapping and modeling software. This collaboration will help architectural, civil and manufacturing design engineers extract imagery taken from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and convert it into usable 2D and 3D models.

Pix4D Mapping

Pix4D Mapping

IMAGINiT Technologies has extensive high definition scanning expertise evidenced by their Scan to BIM software, and the partnerships they have formed with Autodesk and Leica Geosystems, and now Pix4D. This background enables the company’s Reality Capture Services team to cover this design approach thoroughly.

Trimble UX5

Trimble UX5

To be able to generate a usable point cloud from the aerial capture from UAVs is going to be a major change in the way data captured from UAVs can be used.

Dan Chapek, manager of Reality Capture Solutions at IMAGINiT Technologies, answered some questions for GISCafe:

GISCafe: Will the Pix4D partnership address imagery taken from a variety of UAVs? 

Dan Chapek: Yes. Pix4Dmapper can take imagery from most UAV platforms.

GISCafe: What examples of data use do you see your customers exploiting as a result of the Pix4D partnership?

Dan Chapek: Land development volume calculations, project feasibility and project pre-design visualization are just three examples of ways clients can use this type of technology.

GISCafe: What are the features of the partnership that make is appealing to the customers?

Dan Chapek: It’s about workflow. Getting more accurate, real-world data faster and less expensively. Our reality capture team is focused on providing the right types of solution based on the project outcomes our clients need.

GISCafe: Will you be offering new software designed in house for this?

Dan Chapek: No, we are not adding onto the Pix4D platform. This product works in conjunction with a variety of programs as it is and our goal is to help our clients use the right programs and tools for their project needs.

About IMAGINiT’s Reality Capture Services team: IMAGINiT’s multidisciplinary Reality Capture Services team helps customers through the entire reality capture process. Using a proof of concept approach, IMAGINiT experts work with clients to determine the level of accuracy required and, based on that, recommend reality capture technology such as 3D laser scanning, mobile and aerial LIDAR, or photogrammetry. The addition of Pix4Dmapper offers the ability to utilize data from a wide variety of UAV platforms to create a variety of terrain and structure models. IMAGINiT can assist in recommending the best hardware to collect the data and ensure efficient integration with the customers’ workflows. IMAGINiT often walks customers through this process on a live project, allowing for over the shoulder mentoring along the way.

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Categories: 3D Cities, ArcGIS, asset management, Big Data, data, developers, drones, emergency response, geospatial, GIS, GPS, laser radar, LBS, lidar, location based services, location intelligence, mobile, resilient cities, UAS, UAV, UAVs

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