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Susan Smith
Susan Smith
Susan Smith has worked as an editor and writer in the technology industry for over 16 years. As an editor she has been responsible for the launch of a number of technology trade publications, both in print and online. Currently, Susan is the Editor of GISCafe and AECCafe, as well as those sites’ … More »

OrbitGT Announces Mobile Mapping Cloud Platform

June 19th, 2017 by Susan Smith

Peter Bonne, OrbitGT Geospatial Technologies, CEO, spoke with GISCafe CEO Sanjay Gangal at SPAR3D, about Orbit GT’s new SaaS platform Bonne shared more about the product line with GISCafe Voice after the conference.

“Sharing your data with anyone in the world just by a single click, that’s what we’ve been promising and what we are delivering,” says Bonne. “Owners of a 3D mapping dataset, such as Mobile Mapping coverage, can now share with a single person or with many users within an organization in one quick action.  This simple concept will open up vast business opportunities for every data owner.”

Still a major challenge for people in many firms is sharing access to complex datasets such as Mobile Mapping data containing multiple imagery and LiDAR point clouds amongst co-workers. This capability has been available from day one in  Now you can make the same data accessible for anyone outside your organization as well as those within it. Whatever users could do on the desktop they can now do on the cloud. Transportation, telecommunications, and some government agencies are eager to use this technology, so that they can utilize it within many departments within one organization.

The possibilities for demonstration, collaboration, delivery, data integration extend exponentially.  And the best part is, the Belgian OrbitGT does not charge anything for this, whatever the relation between data owner and data user is.

Orbit Geospatial Technologies focuses on solutions for exploiting 3D Mapping content in managing, viewing, extracting, publishing, sharing and embedding in workflows, either desktop or cloud based. Orbit GT specializes in 3D mapping solutions for Mobile Mapping, UAS mapping, indoor mapping and aerial oblique mapping, making ease of use their goal.

Bonne said OrbitGT offers a broad portfolio of Mobile Mapping products: two desktop products and a server side product. “For the desktop we have a portfolio for the mobile mapping business from A to Z, and we work with all the hardware vendors. For people who go mapping and collecting data there is the Mobile Mapping Content Manager for the desktop.”

Their feature extraction product includes a variety of offerings, from low and to high end. Those products are aimed at people who want to extract actionable data from the raw data that comes from mobile mapping, imagery and point cloud. It is typically the data collected by the mobile mapping system, but not everybody can work with the cloud images.

“They are nice to look at but you can’t measure them,” said Bonne. “But we make it possible for however you collect data, you can extract anything you need. That’s all feature extraction, also a desktop product, sold by seat and license.”

Their product, Publisher, is a tool served on your server from which you can publish Mobile Mapping contents to the internet, your mobile phone or to a SDK that you can integrate with an existing workflow. You install on premise. The new product, is similar but based in the cloud. You simply type in the web address, and sign in, and it works immediately. is based on a SAAS business model, and is very reasonably priced. It eliminates the challenges of an IT department and works the same way as familiar cloud services from Autodesk, Esri, Adobe, and Microsoft Office 365.

Bonne says OrbitGT is the first company to make a generic access to the data you are collecting, and they support not only the standard vendors but also those supporting a tailor-made system.

If a company changes to a different system for their main software, they can use the same workflow and software with the new system and They don’t want to change software when they change providers.

LiDAR lacks support of the industry but is great for precision and making measurement and converting it to mobile, on the other hand. With the imagery much more accessible now, suddenly mobile mapping data is not only for engineers but for tens of thousands of users.

That combination is very valuable.  For owners, there is the mapping precision and measurable information. Google Streetview is good for a search engine, but for people who need to do a real job they need up-to-date and accurate imagery, that comes with mobile mapping. Just as we have now for aerial mapping, and aerial coverage every 3-5 years for the past 20 years. With mobile mapping coverage can be done more than once a year.

Join now on  You must be a registered user to access the sharing capabilities. The website details the pricing.

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Categories: analytics, ArcGIS, Autodesk, climate change, cloud, cloud network analytics, data, geospatial, GIS, Google, indoor location technology, lidar, location intelligence

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