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Susan Smith
Susan Smith
Susan Smith has worked as an editor and writer in the technology industry for over 16 years. As an editor she has been responsible for the launch of a number of technology trade publications, both in print and online. Currently, Susan is the Editor of GISCafe and AECCafe, as well as those sites’ … More »

Velodyne Partners with BoE Systems to Deliver LiDAR Sensors to UAV Fleet

November 9th, 2017 by Susan Smith

On November 1, Velodyne announced that it is partnering with BoE Systems to integrate its VLP-16 Puck and VLP-16 Puck LITE LiDAR sensors into BoE Systems’ UAV fleet for geospatial data collection and analysis. This partnership delivers full 360° imaging of geography and equipment for a multitude of industries with a critical need for quick, safe, and accurate aerial inspections, including transportation, utilities, telecommunications/infrastructure, construction, aggregate, forestry, and agriculture.

Golf Course

In conjunction with BoE Systems’ proprietary hardware and software integrations, this provides digital maps with a level of detail that allows for the development of highly accurate flood models, drainage analysis, Building Information Modeling (BIM), contour mapping, and more.

AECCafe Voice asked a few questions of BoE Systems about the new partnership.

What are the features of the VLP-16 Puck and Puck LITE 3D LiDAR sensors?

Velodyne’s new Puck, VLP-16 sensor is the smallest, and most advanced product in Velodyne’s 3D LiDAR product range. Vastly more cost-effective than similarly priced sensors, and developed with mass production in mind, it retains the key features of Velodyne’s breakthroughs in LiDAR: Real-time, 360°, 3D distance and calibrated reflectivity measurements.


Velodyne LiDAR’s Puck LITE is a lighter weight version of the VLP-16 Puck for applications that demand a lower weight to meet their requirements. The Puck LITE has identical performance to the VLP-16, the only difference is the weight of 590 g vs. 830 g for the latter. No other changes have been made to the Puck LITE as it retains its patented 360° surround view to capture real-time 3D LiDAR data that includes distance and calibrated reflectivity measurements. Velodyne LiDAR’s Puck LITE is a lighter weight version of the VLP-16 Puck for applications that demand a lower weight to meet their requirements. The Puck LITE has identical performance to the VLP-16, the only difference is the weight of 590 g vs. 830 g for the latter. No other changes have been made to the Puck LITE as it retains its patented 360° surround view to capture real-time 3D LiDAR data that includes distance and calibrated reflectivity measurements.

What did BoE Systems use for sensors before this partnership?

BoE Systems has always recognized Velodyne’s sensors for the value they bring to our drone-based aerial LiDAR integrations.

Quarry Digital Elevation Model

Does BoE Systems create its own UAVs and do they have specific features?

BoE Systems integrates cutting edge hardware and software solutions from recognized experts in their respective industries. We don’t build our own UAVs, IMUs, or LiDAR sensors so much as we integrate the different components into one cohesive system that is greater than the sum of its parts.

Do the sensors work with most drones on the market?

Velodyne has a suite of LiDAR sensors that are ideal for drone applications.

What are the most important factors for UAV mapping today?

Organizations turn to our drone-based aerial LiDAR systems for accurate, cost-effective, safe, and fast mapping solutions.

How do you feel this partnership will further UAV Mapping?

Without Velodyne’s drone-friendly LiDAR sensors, we wouldn’t be able to provide the incredible value that our clients demand. With Velodyne and BoE Systems partnering, accurate UAV mapping becomes accessible to the industries that need it.

How much will the level of detail improve as a result of the addition of VLP-16 and Puck LITE 3D LiDAR Sensors?

BoE Systems has counted on the incredible detail that Velodyne’s sensors offer since entering the UAV mapping industry.

Do you have a sample workflow of how someone would use this integrated product?

The Velodyne sensor, as part of a larger drone-based aerial LiDAR system, like the ones BoE Systems specializes in, would be deployed to any job site where industry needs fast and accurate data collection. Whether it’s a quarry or mining operation needing aggregate volumetrics, or a surveying crew needing to create a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of a vegetated area, Velodyne sensors provide incredible value to the systems collecting and delivering that data.

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Categories: 3D Cities, 3D designs, analytics, cloud, cloud network analytics, data, drones, geocoding, geospatial, GIS, government, laser radar, lidar, location intelligence, mapping, mobile, sensors, UAS, UAV, UAVs

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