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 GISCafe Voice
Susan Smith
Susan Smith
Susan Smith has worked as an editor and writer in the technology industry for over 16 years. As an editor she has been responsible for the launch of a number of technology trade publications, both in print and online. Currently, Susan is the Editor of GISCafe and AECCafe, as well as those sites’ … More »

Calling All Geospatial Data Providers for Upcoming GISCafe Special Coverage

May 4th, 2018 by Susan Smith

Data providers abound in the GIS and geospatial industry. Choices range from mapping, built and natural terrain modeling, survey, GIS/LIS technologies, geospatial web, asset inventory, mapping, geodetic and engineering surveying, photogrammetry, satellite imagery and real-time satellite data, remote sensing, aerial and ground-based LiDAR surveys, geographic and land information systems (GIS/LIS), and spatial computing and analysis, data provided by drones, and much more.

McMurdo Station Iceberg, Antarctica, NASA, taken from a small sat.

There are many free data and information sources for both spatial and geographic needs, from both the government and commercial sectors.  Many data sources are available within minutes of making a request. Geospatial data can come in customizable forms as well as off-the-shelf, and can be used for many purposes outside the GIS industry. Much geospatial is now disseminated to a vast public who need to be “in-the-know” about rapidly changing situations during catastrophic events.

While geospatial data is used for many situations, technologies often create and analyze data with specific intelligence that can then be used for the delivery of actionable information to solve real world problems and provide an accurate view of a critical situation or hotspot.

Join GISCafe Voice in the discovery of what’s currently out there among data providers, and how to get the source of data and information that you most need.

The following are some questions for geospatial data providers:

  1. What data products and/or services does your company offer?
  2. Are your offerings free or for a fee, and if for a fee, what kind of an price point is available?
  3. What do you do to make your products and services interoperable with popular GIS software on the market today?
  4. Are your products/services customizable and if so, how?
  5. Are there any technologies that make the dissemination of your data more accessible to more users, and if so, please list.
  6. Do you also manufacture or sell hardware to collect and analyze data? Please explain.
  7. What other partnerships do you enter into to broaden the analysis, dissemination or integration of data?
  8. What is the biggest market for your data and services?
  9. What countries do you feel are the biggest consumers of geospatial data and services?
  10. Are there any special use cases that you’d like to share?
  11. Please include any collateral materials, i.e., videos, images (no headshots or logos), PDFs, interviews, press releases, as well as name and contact info of the responding representative.

All responses to the Geospatial Data Providers Questionnaire should be send to Susan Smith, by May 11, 2018. If you have additional questions, contact Susan at 505-501-2478.

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Categories: agriculture, Airbus Defense and Space, airports, analytics, ArcGIS, asset management, autonomous driving, Big Data, BlackBridge, BlackSky, Caliper, climate change, cloud, cloud network analytics, data, deCarta, DigitalGlobe, disaster relief, drones, earthquakes, election maps, emergency response, FEMA, field GIS, geospatial, GIS, global aircraft surveillance, Google, government, Hexagon, image-delivery software, in car navigation, indoor location technology, insurance, integrated GIS solutions, Leica Geosystems, lidar, location based sensor fusion, location intelligence, mapping, mobile, NASA, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, National Map, NGA, NOAA, OCG GeoPackage, OGC, Open Source, OpenGeo, Oracle Spatial, photogrammetry, Pictometry, Pitney Bowes, Planet Labs, public safety, RapidEye, remote sensing, resilient cities, Safe Software, satellite based tracking, satellite imagery, sensors, SmarterBetterCities, space-based flight tracking, spatial data, storm surge, subsurface utilities, survey, UAVs, utilities, utility geographic information systems

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