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Susan Smith
Susan Smith
Susan Smith has worked as an editor and writer in the technology industry for over 16 years. As an editor she has been responsible for the launch of a number of technology trade publications, both in print and online. Currently, Susan is the Editor of GISCafe and AECCafe, as well as those sites’ … More »

New Free Healthcare Map Layers Now Provide Over 5 Million Healthcare Provider Points-of-Interest

September 26th, 2019 by Susan Smith

Stewart Berry, vice president of Product Management, Mapping Software for Caliper spoke with GISCafe Voice about the release of free updated healthcare map layers that provide over 5 million medical and healthcare provider points-of-interest.

Free Maptitude Health Care Map Layers

The demand for mapping health data is really vast and has exploded in the past years. According to Caliper company materials, out of the box, Maptitude 2019 with the U.S. Country Package provides detailed geographic data for the entire country that includes hospitals, emergency rooms, and pharmacies. The free addition of comprehensive healthcare location databases ensures that Maptitude will continue to be at the forefront of the digital healthcare revolution. The new healthcare data layers are:

  • Hospitals
  • Healthcare Organizations
  • Healthcare Providers
  • Primary Care Service Areas (PCSA)

The data are also available as shapefile, KML, KMZ, or GeoJSON for a fee.

Orthopedic surgeon map

Maptitude tools and data already resident in the software can be used for analysis of these locations, such as counts by health insurance coverage type. The provision of the entire healthcare landscape in a mapping format has not been made available before this time.

Maptitude mapping software has been used extensively by healthcare providers to provide accountable care and better access to electronic health records to improve the health of their communities. Driving this effort toward more targeted care interventions, Maptitude also is credited with reducing readmissions, and helping hospitals qualify for incentives for service improvement.

Maptitude allows you to explore doctor, patient, and provider locations, verify compliance, map service territories, perform hospital mapping, and conduct health-focused research.

Philip Moya, San Antonio Kidney Disease Center says the following:

“This is awesome mapping software. We use it to create heat maps of where our patients live. This allows us to intelligently decide where to add services in our area.”

Where are these new healthcare layers being used?

Maps help to visualize health care information and enhance the understanding of the health care landscape. Maptitude mapping software enables users to find data about hospitals, health workers, at risk populations, and more:

  • Analyze health care coverage to identify gaps or inefficiencies
  • Examine patterns of health care utilization and/or access to care
  • Match a network of health care specialists and providers to the needs of the population
  • Offer members, patients and others “provider-locator” applications to help locate and select health care providers (Maptitude for the Web)
  • Choose optimal locations for new hospitals, outpatient clinics, or offices
  • Deliverin-home medical services more efficiently

How do they differ from past healthcare offerings from Maptitude and from other providers?

The 2019 version adds over 400,000 healthcare organizations and providers, along with address, phone number, credentials, and medical services offered by taxonomy.

No other vendor provides the full healthcare landscape in a format that allows immediate analysis and visualization down to every addressable location, and at no additional cost.

Primary Care Service Areas are geographic areas that are self-sufficient markets of primary care. These areas are designed in a manner such that the majority of patients living in these areas use primary care services form within the area. This ensures that any geographic targeting of policies and resources reach the patients they are meant for. Thus for example the Health Resources and Services Administration uses them to designate areas of workforce shortage. Primary Care Service Areas are thus for example an appropriate geography for measuring primary care physician supply or geographic access to General practitioners.

How can you get all hospitals/healthcare providers on board with offering these layers to customers?

By aggregating data from a variety of sources, including government databases and commercial sources, we can provide a comprehensive picture of healthcare in America.

Will the layers be available to developers?

Yes, either within the Maptitude ecosystem, or externally as shapefile, KML, KMZ, or GeoJSON (or any other format.)

Are these free layers available only to those who purchase Maptitude 2019 or are they available to others outside Caliper products?

They are free for Maptitude users, and available for a fee for non-Maptitude users based on proposed usage, e.g., desktop vs on the web vs. number of users.

Will you be able to see what doctors are available and their locations and under what plans?

You can see all doctors, where they are located, their credentials and contact information, Medicare data, and the services they provide by taxonomy.

Do you have any plans to add in layers or change the presentation to accommodate new health plans that may arise on the political horizon, should they become law (i.e. Medicaid for al, etc.)?

We are constantly enhancing the data for our varied health care industry client base and would definitely look to include new data.


Maptitude costs US$695 and is packaged as a one-stop-solution, shipping with all the tools and data required to allow hospital groups, managed care organizations, employer groups, and third party administrators (TPAs) to better operate in the competitive environment for delivering health care.

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Categories: analytics, data, emergency response, geospatial, GIS, government, location based services, mapping, Maptitude

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