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Susan Smith
Susan Smith
Susan Smith has worked as an editor and writer in the technology industry for over 16 years. As an editor she has been responsible for the launch of a number of technology trade publications, both in print and online. Currently, Susan is the Editor of GISCafe and AECCafe, as well as those sites’ … More »

Web App TopoGrafi Captures Buried Asset Data for Utility and Infrastructure Sectors

April 16th, 2020 by Susan Smith

MGISS, a Liverpool, UK geospatial specialist, released a new version of its web app TopoGrafi that allows for the display of 3D data in real world models. With enhanced 3D data processing capabilities, TopoGrafi is an end to end platform for capturing buried asset data and processing it for visually revealing and interactive Augmented Reality visualizations.  Specifically aimed at the utility and infrastructure sectors, TopoGrafi is already helping organizations in water and highways sectors enhance asset location data, improve on-site safety and reduce construction and maintenance costs.

TopoGrafi was demonstrated in a series of online webinars beginning on the 26th February 2020, organized by MGISS, with support from partners Esri and augmented reality specialist vGIS.

MGISS developed its TopoGrafi solution to display 3D data in real world models, in response to the fact that many field based data collection tools only project in 2D. Designed to be used alongside apps such as Esri Collector for ArcGIS, the TopoGrafi platform uses data from low cost, high accuracy, on-demand positioning services; GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System).  What TopoGrafi does is apply near-real time conversions transforming the recorded positions to local reference systems, thereby aligning it with high accuracy mapping including Ordnance Survey MasterMap.

The TopoGrafi toolkit also includes functionality to ‘snap’ 3D features; to each other and to other spatially referenced data, in order to create a true 3D model which can then be used to create Augmented Reality visualizations accessible from the desktop or in the field.

Mike Darracott, managing director and founder of MGISS, spoke with GISCafe Voice about the new version of TopoGrafi.

How long does it take for TopoGrafi to capture the buried asset data and process it?

TopoGrafi is a platform which enables coordinate transformation, 3D topology and cm-accurate positions to combine to produce 3D GIS models on the fly. Originally designed to meet an unmet need with ESRI Collector for ArcGIS, in which there is no support for UK-specific coordinate systems and orthometric heights.  The TopoGrafi platform is being developed to manage the “round-tripping” of spatial data from GIS to field and back again, whilst enabling real-time visualization using AR products such as vGIS.

What would be an example workflow of the use of this app?

A typical workflow would be a high-accuracy data capture scheme such as a new water distribution scheme, where coordinate information has to be captured, in 3D, for a GIS as-built record.

How much GIS training do users need to have to use the TopoGrafi app?

No ‘GIS’ training just simple instruction on the workflow.

How does TopoGrafi help improve onsite safety and reduce maintenance and construction costs?

By improving the accuracy of asset information a ‘dig once’ policy can be adopted reducing time spent on site and therefore cost. Unsuccessful digs are reduced as is the chance of encountering other buried assets.

How have organizations already been helped with asset location data?

As an example, the UK’s Northumbrian Water Group needed to accurately capture assets and feed them back into the corporate GIS.  The Group’s Essex and Suffolk Water division worked with MGISS using an Arrow Gold RTK GNSS receiver to record the exact position (accuracy of better than 2 cm) and depth of assets using their existing mobile phones loaded with the Esri Data Collector app.

Used across a range of applications including large pipeline projects, mains diversions and renewals, plus new build housing developments, the MGISS solution enabled the recording of the location, depth, specification and properties of new and existing mains, plus apparatus and fittings.

Simplified workflows were also developed to create a digital process whereby the high precision data was imported into the corporate GIS as validated data superseding potentially outdated plans. Accessible to all users across the business, this information is allowing for the more accurate identification of works requirements and for more efficient planning of resources for future maintenance and construction activities.

How are AR systems and data application applications able to use the same 3D coordinate system?

By capturing data to the highest degree of accuracy and seamlessly transferring this to a 3D GIS environment, relocation of the same assets in the future becomes simple, safe and excavation costs are minimized.

The TopoGrafi app functions as a service that processes any new points captured in an ArcGIS Online/Portal feature service providing a transformation from lat/long/altitude to British coordinates Easting/Northing/Mean Sea Level. This could be visualized/analyzed and edited through existing enterprise application consuming this feature service, for example ArcGIS Pro or ArcGIS Scene Viewer. There is no transformation necessary from 3D to 2D mapping data. TopoGrafi performs the X/Y/Z transformations to allow 2D compatibility with OS base mapping.

Describe the ability to snap 3D features?

The app functions as a service that processes any new points captured in an ArcGIS Online/Portal feature service providing a transformation from lat/long/altitude to British coordinates Easting/Northing/Mean Sea Level. This would be visualized as a shift in geometry and attribution (within a few seconds) in any application consuming this feature service, for example Collector for ArcGIS (field collection app). vGIS AR visualizations are interactive because you can tap on an asset to retrieve inventory and measurements. vGIS also allows direct data capture and edit functionality.

Describe the app in comparison with 3D scanning types of approaches.

3D Scanning can be used for mapping asset above ground, not below. TopoGrafi handles underground asset data.

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Categories: agriculture, analytics, ArcGIS, conversion, data, emergency response, Esri, field GIS, geospatial, GIS, government, GPS, location based sensor fusion, location based services, location intelligence, mapping, mobile, remote sensing, satellite imagery, sensors, spatial data, utilities, utility geographic information systems

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