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Archive for the ‘Covid-19’ Category

Hovermap Offers Autonomy Plus Lidar Mapping

Saturday, August 29th, 2020

In a webinar recently presented by Emesent, the discussion was entitled “Smarter Lidar Technology for Infrastructure and AEC: better data, greater insights.”

Peter Dickinson, project manager for Emesent and Business Development manager for the Americas Dave Jaunay introduced customers who were using Emesent’s Hovermap sensor system for various challenging environments. It has been used extensively in mining and underground environments and land surveying.

The company Emesent is based in Brisbane, Australia with a staff of 38 but rapidly growing to meet global demands. The company aims to solve the problem of collection of data – in GPS-denied or challenging environments. The need to automate the collection of data,  gave birth to the Hovermap for mine and roads,  tunneling, indoor mapping and search and rescue, anywhere where maintaining a signal for GNSS solutions is problematic.


Using Geolocation Technology to Fight Covid-19 and Climate Change

Friday, August 14th, 2020

IDB president Luis Alberto Moreno & Jack Dangermond, president of Esri, discuss how GIS can help solve some of the world’s biggest problems, namely, Covid-19 and climate change at the recent Esri Virtual User Conference 2020.



2020 Esri UC – First Virtual Conference and Opening Plenary

Friday, July 17th, 2020

Normally approximately 17,000 people attend Esri User Conference held in San Diego, California but this year, the conference has attracted upwards of 80,000 people online as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. While it is sad not to be gathered in San Diego, the sheer volume of people who are able to participate online makes it quite a phenomena for Esri, a 50-year-old company spearheading the GIS movement globally.


Esri StoryMaps Tell the Covid-19 Geographic Story

Friday, March 20th, 2020

Esri StoryMaps have often been front and center in creating social change. Since the last week of January, Esri’s Cooper Thomas and Ross Donihue have been working on their Esri Covid-19 StoryMaps.

Johns Hopkins University map to capture all confirmed COVID-19 cases, fatalities and recoveries.


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