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Archive for the ‘Pitney Bowes’ Category

GISCafe Special Feature Blog: Emergency Response and Recovery

Friday, March 20th, 2015

In recent years, Emergency Response and Recovery has been tasked with addressing the growing number of natural disasters and manmade disasters worldwide. When a disaster happens, the role of GIS and geospatial is front and center in the identification of location and the location of individuals impacted in the event, as well as the clarification of the physical damage to vital structures. It is also fundamental to the provision of medical care and utilities during a time when those things may be scarce or non-existent.

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Special Blog Coverage of 3D Cities Coming in November!

Monday, October 20th, 2014

During the week of November 17th, GISCafe Voice will run a special feature blog on the topic, “3D Cities: Envisioning Communities of the Future.”

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Pitney Bowes announces Spectrum Spatial platform

Tuesday, May 13th, 2014

James Buckley, Pitney Bowes senior vice president and general manager, Location Intelligence, spoke to GISVoice this week about the recent launch of the Spectrum Spatial platform, built on MapInfo technology, that delivers advanced location intelligence for businesses to manage and deliver location data centrally.

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