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Archive for the ‘spatial data’ Category

Esri StoryMaps Tell the Covid-19 Geographic Story

Friday, March 20th, 2020

Esri StoryMaps have often been front and center in creating social change. Since the last week of January, Esri’s Cooper Thomas and Ross Donihue have been working on their Esri Covid-19 StoryMaps.

Johns Hopkins University map to capture all confirmed COVID-19 cases, fatalities and recoveries.


Airbus Bartolomeo Platform Provides Earth Observation Applications Affordably

Thursday, March 12th, 2020

Christian Steimle, Bartolomeo Business and Service Manager, spoke with GISCafe Voice about the Airbus built Bartolomeo platform that was successfully launched on March 6th from Cape Canaveral, Florida, US. Bartolomeo is now on its journey to the International Space Station (ISS) and will be installed outside of the Columbus Laboratory, the European module of the ISS built by Airbus.


Pointfuse Space Creator Toolkit Facilitates Laser Scanning for Indoor Mapping

Friday, March 6th, 2020

Pointfuse, a powerful modeling engine that delivers an automatic, precise and flexible way of converting the vast point cloud datasets generated by laser scanners or photogrammetry into segmented mesh models, has launched a new toolkit called Space Creator. Pointfuse Space Creator is designed to facilitate adopting laser scanning within space management, planning and utilization workflows.

Pointfuse Space Creator


GISCafe Industry Predictions 2020 – Part 6

Friday, February 7th, 2020

This is our final installment of Industry Predictions for 2020. Topics this week include satellites, Cloud for geospatial applications, data storage, data sentience, data sovereignty, growth, location, mapping fleets and much more.

Representatives from CubeWerx, DataCapable, T-mapy, GeoSapient, Inc. and Mapillary offer their insights into the industry and trends for the future.


GISCafe Industry Predictions 2020 – Part 5

Thursday, January 30th, 2020

GISCafe Industry Predictions for 2020 move forward into February. Topics covered this week are cloud-based asset management systems, artificial intelligence, smart cities, citizen science, open source mapping and data, GNSS advancements, big spatial data analytics, drone industry, enterprise scale and dashboards and data visualizations.


GISCafe Industry Predictions 2020 – Part 4

Thursday, January 23rd, 2020

We have received an overwhelming response to our request for Industry Predictions for 2020. This demonstrates that many people are thinking ahead to ways to make GIS and geospatial technology better and more productive in the coming year and beyond.


GISCafe Industry Predictions 2020 – Part 3

Friday, January 17th, 2020

We’re coming down the home stretch with our GISCafe Industry Predictions, so if you haven’t sent yours in, please feel free to do so until January 20th, for inclusion in a series of editorial articles to be published in January. This article is the third installment of those articles.



GISCafe Industry Predictions 2020 – Part 2

Friday, January 10th, 2020

Every January GISCafe Voice publishes blogs of industry predictions from our readers. This is the second installment of those predictions. This year we have extended the deadline for submissions to January 14th for entries.



GISCafe Industry Predictions for 2020 – Part 1

Thursday, January 2nd, 2020

Happy New Year!

Every January GISCafe Voice publishes blogs of industry predictions from our readers. This year we have extended the deadline to January 14th for entries.


GISCafe Year In Review 2019

Thursday, December 19th, 2019

The year in review is defined in large part by what drives the technology sector. Natural phenomenon such as fires and floods, earthquakes and hurricanes require continual vigilance to be able to record, predict, respond to and recover from. The effort of Digital Cities is an effort to maintain cities in a more efficient manner, with heightened emphasis on people and data.


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