Alan Moore, Chief Executive of thinkWhere, spoke with GISCafe Voice about the recent contract awarded to change how geographic data and software was employed at Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC). Working alongside SRUC’s commercial division, SAC Consulting, thinkWhere will implement an enterprise wide, online GIS. thinkWhere will also introduce desktop based open source GIS software and a mobile application for synchronized field mapping and data capture. The integrated, end-to-end solution from thinkWhere is aimed to assist a variety of users and will allow SAC Consulting to offer new services to clients in the future.
GISCafe Voice
Archive for the ‘thinkWhere’ Category
thinkWhere Will Implement Enterprise-Wide, Online GIS for Scotland's Rural College
Thursday, May 16th, 2019Share Open Datasets Using theMapCloud
Friday, January 26th, 2018Recently, Scottish Geographic Information Systems (GIS) company thinkWhere announced the launch of a new cloud-based platform for GIS and geographic data, theMapCloud. theMapCloud allows maps, open data and business records to be accessed anytime, and anywhere, through a web-connected computer or mobile device. Using standard web browsers, users can view, retrieve and share maps, geographic data and other open datasets and, as well as providing a platform for GIS and other web applications, theMapCloud can be used for a host of data services and Software as a Service (SaaS) applications.