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Archive for the ‘UAS’ Category

GISCafe Digital Twin Technology Questionnaire

Tuesday, February 19th, 2019

Digital twin technology has been talked about a great deal over the past few years, and is being worked on in various technology segments. At one time it was the province of manufacturing and now it is part of the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and data analytics. It is also being explored by numerous industries.


Summary of GISCafe Industry Predictions for 2019

Thursday, January 31st, 2019

We have covered a number of companies’ perspectives and predictions for 2019 and each has brought forth an important perspective on where the industry is heading in the New Year. While many of the technologies have been implemented before this time, there appears from these submissions to be even more emphasis on them as they move into 2019.


GISCafe Industry Predictions for 2019 Part II

Thursday, January 10th, 2019

Welcome to Part II of our GISCafe Industry Predictions for 2019.

As we had so many responses to our request for predictions, this series will take several parts. This installment includes writings from Pitney Bowes, VESTRA, Presagis, and Microdrones.


GISCafe 2018 Year in Review

Thursday, December 20th, 2018

Many years ago Marshall McLuhan wrote that “the medium is the message.” Never has that been more true than today as we look at how we receive our information – via our phones, computers, TVs, blogs, podcasts, Twitter and other social media. The Immediacy of the message is now available through those avenues, and serves us well in the form new geospatial technology development – autonomous vehicle technology, data acquisition and analytics, social media mapping and imagery – all of which can be utilized to save time, money and more importantly, save lives.


Orbit GT Offers Frequent Releases for Managing 3D Data in Smart Organizations

Friday, December 14th, 2018

Belgian company Orbit GT offers mobile mapping, oblique mapping, indoor mapping, UAS mapping, and 3D mapping.

“I’m happy to announce that version 19.0 is now available for download,” says Peter Bonne, CEO of Orbit GT at the InterGeo Conference 2019 held in Germany. With the advent of the smart city, Bonne says that 3D data is destined to be used throughout organizations.


Skylogic’s 2018 Drone Market Sector Summary Report Offers Timely Research and Analytics on the Industry

Thursday, November 15th, 2018

Colin Snow of Skylogic, LLC, spoke with GISCafe Voice about the company’s 2018 Drone Market Sector Summary Report that was recently published. This is the third annual report published by the company.

2018 Drone Market Sector Report


GISCafe Editorial Calendar 2019

Wednesday, November 7th, 2018

GISCafe will focus on specific editorial for 2019, so be sure to check in with our Editorial Calendar to find out when might be a good time for your story to be shown. Throughout the year, we provide space for Current Events, as the technology industry is evolving, and we can’t know at the time of this writing just what will be new, groundbreaking and/or disruptive in the coming year.



Lightweight Rugged RTK Tablet from DT Research for Military and Forensic Mapping

Friday, October 12th, 2018

What the rugged tablet market has been waiting for: scientific-grade accurate measurements on a tablet for those engaged in non-land surveying work. These rugged tablets can deliver centimeter-level measurement accuracy faster and easier than using conventional land surveying equipment and at a fraction of the cost – which, in turn, improves safety for first responders during collision reconstruction, natural disasters and crime scenes, according toKevin Tsai, senior product engineer for DT Research. The combination of accurate measurement, small size, and ability to complete other functions on the same device makes these tablets extremely flexible and efficient.

DT Research, designer and manufacturer of purpose-built computing solutions for vertical markets, announced the DT372AP-TR Rugged RTK Tablet, a lightweight military-grade tablet that is purpose-built with Real Time Kinematic (RTK) used to enhance the precision of position data derived from satellite-based positioning systems, according to company materials. This tablet enables 3D Point Cloud creation with centimeter-level accuracy – that meets the high standards required for scientific-grade evidence in court.


Pix4D for Yuneec’s Ground Station Controller and Pix4Dfields

Friday, April 6th, 2018

Yuneec announced the availability of Pix4Dcapture on its H520 ST16S ground station controller. Pix4D is a premier software application that creates professional, georeferenced maps and models from drone imagery, giving users the ability to map flight plans and set customized mapping parameters.

Yuneec H520 ST 16S ground station controller


GISCafe Trends and Predictions for 2018

Thursday, January 4th, 2018

Happy New Year!

As mentioned in our year-end wrap-up, a great number of events that shaped technology in 2017 were natural disasters. Scientists and experts predict that we will see more of these natural events and will continue R&D efforts to prepare for them.

Smart city technology will become more important as geospatial professionals seek to find better ways to predict, analyze and prepare communities for the onslaught of weather events. Actual Smart Cities are being built in some parts of the world. And to make those smart cities and countries, in some cases, viable, we will grow greater confidence in artificial intelligence, vehicle technology, Cloud, Internet of Things (IoT), drones, high resolution satellites and small satellites, augmented, virtual and mixed realities and data and sensors.

These technologies have become or will become a part of the fabric of geospatial interaction as the demand for them increases.

The Global Mountain Explorer provides information from global scales down to specific mountains, such as Borah Peak, Idaho pictured above. (Public domain.)


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