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Posts Tagged ‘Energy and Commerce Communications and Technology Subcommittee’

Controversial LightSquared goes before House subcommittee

Thursday, January 26th, 2012

In an article in the National Journal yesterday, it was reported that the company LightSquared had come before the  Energy and Commerce Communications and Technology Subcommittee because “Tests indicate that LightSquared’s proposals would interfere with global positioning systems. LightSquared says it has solved the interference problems, but representatives of nine federal agencies concluded on Jan. 13 that no practical measures can allow LightSquared to overcome interference with GPS.

The finding, a significant blow to LightSquared’s case, prompted a furious response from the beleaguered wireless startup, which accused the government panel of “a systematic disregard for fairness and transparency.”

Rep. Greg Walden, R-Ore., chairman of the Energy and Commerce Communications and Technology Subcommittee said he has met with representatives from both GPS companies and LightSquared in hopes of figuring out if there is an “engineering answer here.” He said he got two different answers.

The FCC says it will not give LightSquared final approval until tests show that the network can be safely built, but the agency has come under fire for its handling of the process.” –

Walden Questions FCC handling of Lightsquared

Going where no GPS has gone before

[GISCafe Voice November 21, 2011]

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