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Posts Tagged ‘Geofeedia’

Geofeedia Ads Leverages Location Data

Monday, June 6th, 2016

R.J. Talyor, Geofeedia’s vice president, Product Management, spoke about the location intelligence company’s expansion of its platform for marketers with the new Geofeedia Ads, leveraging location data for highly targeted advertising. Geofeedia Ads provides valuable context for marketers to zero in on ads that are pertinent to particular audiences across social platforms.

geofeediaPM (more…)

Geofeedia offers geo search of social media

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012


The young company Geofeedia offers aggregating capabilities of a new kind – assembling data from various social media sources such as Instagram, Twitter, Picassa and others – representing that data on a nice visual map with pins. Each source has a specific pin so that users can see the source and location of the data.

Geofeedia aggregates data from various social media sources such as Instagram, Twitter, Picassa and others - representing that data on a nice visual map with pins. Each source has a specific pin so that users can see the source and location of the data.


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