In a recent interview with Philip O’Doherty, CEO eSpatial, he talked about the company’s OnDemand GIS and its ability to provide services to the entire Geospatial and GIS industry – from GIS experts to complete beginners.
GISCafe Voice Posts Tagged ‘OnDemand GIS’Mapping and data analysis for both GIS pros and beginnersThursday, October 20th, 2011In a recent interview with Philip O’Doherty, CEO eSpatial, he talked about the company’s OnDemand GIS and its ability to provide services to the entire Geospatial and GIS industry – from GIS experts to complete beginners.
Welcome to the GISCafe VoiceWednesday, October 19th, 2011Welcome to our new offering, the GISCafe Voice. This is a new editorial blog-type content that will provide more timely coverage of breaking news to be posted two-three times per week. The articles will provide rich editorial content on topics important to GIS and geospatial professionals, including conference coverage, coverage of geospatial being used in emergency response and disaster recovery, and new products and trends that shape the industry. Why the GISCafe Voice at this time? We’re noticing that as geospatial information and geographic information systems become more pervasive, they are becoming critical in more industries than ever before. They are a part of the defense military and homeland security departments, tracking and identification of weather systems such as hurricanes , tsunamis, floods and earthquakes. Organizations without large GIS departments still need access to GIS information which is possible now with technologies that allow individuals to view, markup and access GIS information on the internet or in the cloud. Crowdsourcing has added another dimension to GIS and geospatial, opening up the technology to anyone who wants to contribute current information about an event, community or disaster. |