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Posts Tagged ‘redistricting’

State Legislative Districts Data Product Now Available for Entire U.S. from Caliper

Thursday, March 23rd, 2017

Caliper has announced that the State Legislative Districts Data Product is now available for the entire USA or for a single U.S. state. Three area databases reflect the latest boundaries for Congressional Districts, State House/Assembly (lower chamber) districts, and State Senate (upper chamber) districts, according to company materials.


Located-Based Technology and Real-Time Election Mapping

Wednesday, October 19th, 2016

While the election plods on, behind the scenes there is a lot of geospatial technology being used to come up with various polls, real-time election maps, and determine election polling places that are helping people get to the polls and assist in the results reporting. Candidates, local and state governments are all trying to leverage the latest geographic and mapping solutions to better inform and motivate citizens, thereby changing election outcomes.

Electoral map 2016


Maptitude 6.0’s unlimited geocoding and more for one-stop geospatial shoppers

Monday, November 14th, 2011

Most organizations are not necessarily geospatially adept, yet they understand the need for some geographic information to either make their businesses run better or to add interactive web mapping to their web sites. In city and county agencies, there is also the need for tools for creating and analyzing redistricting data for districts, and for elections and precincts, there is the necessity to manage the vast amount of data that is collected and aggregated during elections.

Maptitude Image Geocode Census Map

The new version of Maptitude, Maptitude 6.0, is a data visualization and geographic analysis tool that helps organizations understand the impact of geography on their organizations. The newest version includes extensive geographic and demographic data so that you can get started as soon as you open the box. Data are provided in a compact geographic data format that reduces data storage requirements and reduces network traffic. According to Stewart Berry, mapping software product manager, the new version of Maptitude is a “complete refresh” in terms of maps and graphics, routing, database and performance.


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