GISCafe Guest Sanjay Gangal
Sanjay Gangal is the President of IBSystems, the parent company of, MCADCafe, EDACafe.Com, GISCafe.Com, and ShareCG.Com. GISCafé industry predictions 2023 – Sinclair IndustriesJanuary 18th, 2023 by Sanjay Gangal
By Bob Sinclair, CEO, Sinclair IndustriesHere is my 2023 prediction piece and headshot – appreciate the consideration – “There’s a lot of talk about artificial intelligence (AI) and this needs to evolve much like maps have evolved over the years. 2023 will be the year of “Geo Consciousness”. To truly realize and understand the potential of GIS we must first recognize that a map is so much more than a map. “Geo Consciousness” is the next frontier in big data, analytics, maps, and AI. This combination of technologies will provide an opportunity to finally have maps that understand they are actually a map. For example, the team at Bob Sinclair Industries are people, that have names, that live in different locations (“our homes”). Today, maps do not recognize that they are maps. 2023, will be the year of change! “Geo Consciousness” is the final frontier in our relationships with maps and how maps can evolve with us. There are paths, locations, and GIS services that do not exist that will immediately benefit from “Geo Consciousness”. Instead of finding locations on a map, the map will find us and lead us to our location. I am still unsure if each map will have its own unique name and personality. Many engineers will devote spatial efforts and creativity toward this in 2023. About Author: Bob Sinclair, BS, is an industry veteran of GIS, having spent over 34 years focused on the alignment of maps and mapping, with most of his collaborations focused on geo-addressing. In 2022, he supported multiple organizations with spatial reconstruction and GIS modulation/re-calibration. Mr. Sinclair attributes most of his success to his time spent supporting and researching cartography. He is currently the CEO of Sinclair Industries. Category: GIS Industry Predictios |