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Posts Tagged ‘Education’

Pioneering STEM Education with Drones: A Conversation with Hansol Hong, CEO of Robolink

Friday, April 26th, 2024

At the recent Xponential 2024 Conference, I had the pleasure of speaking with Hansol Hong, the CEO of Robolink, a company at the forefront of integrating drones into STEM education. Founded over a decade ago, Robolink has made significant strides in making STEM learning exciting and practical by using drones as a primary teaching tool.

CoDrone EDU

Robolink’s impact is substantial, with their programs currently being implemented in approximately 4,000 U.S. schools and expanding globally. Hansol explained that their educational approach uses drones to teach coding and robotics in a practical, hands-on way that resonates with students. “When students program our drones, they see their code come to life as the drones move according to their instructions,” Hansol said. This dynamic method of learning not only engages students but also helps them understand complex concepts in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).

The Robolink curriculum includes both hardware—the drones and their accessories—and the software needed to program them. Moreover, the company provides comprehensive learning materials for both students and teachers, ensuring that educators are well-prepared to guide their students through the coursework.


Using GeoSpatial Tools in Teaching Language Arts

Tuesday, February 14th, 2012

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Digital maps and online mapping tools are critical to understand authors mindsets, elements of plot and character development. GISetc has created a series of lectures showing how to incorporate GeoSpatial Tools in teaching language arts. These lectures are given by Barbaree Duke. She is a teacher who is developing curriculum & professional development courses to help teachers & students improve test scores & critical thinking with geospatial technologies.

The goal of GISetc TV is to share and create content that:

1. Excites students about GIS.
2. Is a resource for GIS educators and professionals.
3. Shares technological advances in the field of GIS studies.
4. Shares the adventures of GISetc in field studies, training, educational opportunities and more!

Lecture 1



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