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Archive for the ‘CityEngine 2014’ Category

The First Nationwide 3D Model

Wednesday, November 4th, 2015

This week in London at the Hilton Metropole  The Bentley Year in Infrastructure 2015 Conference is being held. The latest product announcements from Bentley Systems were announced, as well as the 2015 Be Inspired Awards, awarded for excellence in various areas of Architecture, Engineering and Construction Excellence. Because GIS is an integral part of the work done in the areas of utilities and 3D cities, it is worth including some of the finalists’ work and some new products announcements in GISCafe Voice coverage. Winners are chosen from a group of finalists, who have submitted their projects for consideration.

After jurors have deliberated during the week to come up with the winners in each category, the Awards Dinner is the crowning event of the conference. In this blog we will look at the winner in the category “Innovation in Government,” as it was profound in its scope and ambitious undertaking using 3D Cities GIS technology.


Singapore Land Authority – Mapping Singapore in 3D

Happy New Year and 2015 GISCafe Voice Editorial Calendar!

Tuesday, January 6th, 2015

Happy New Year from GISCafe!

planets (more…)

Special GISCafe Coverage: 3D Cities: Envisioning Communities of the Future

Friday, November 21st, 2014

Cities worldwide are charged with the same challenge: that of creating or retrofitting sustainable, intelligent infrastructure. Cities need the best in design, geospatial, visualization and analytical tools to realize a viable and intelligent city design. 3D City design is architectural design times thousands, plus it must have the ability to be interwoven with other surrounding infrastructure and foster an urban conversation.

CyberCity 3D

CyberCity 3D


Special Coverage: Online GIS Courses Change the Face of Geospatial Education

Thursday, August 28th, 2014

The face of GIS and Geospatial education has changed dramatically over the past few years, with online courses being offered in numerous subjects, ranging from GIS fundamentals to Spatial Analytics and Geodesign. What is more phenomenal is that these courses reach out to all corners of the earth, making a GIS/geospatial education a possibility for almost everyone on the planet.

Screenshot from a Washington College lecture

Screenshot from a Washington College lecture


CityEngine 2014 for 3D GIS urban design released

Thursday, June 5th, 2014

Esri has released CityEngine 2014, the latest version of its advanced 3D GIS urban design software. It is interesting to note that the software is now available in 3D applications that are generally considered part of architectural design and visualization applications.

It demonstrates that this is where Esri may anticipate CityEngine to end up rather than within the traditional geospatial marketplace. Its browser-based capabilities will make it easy for geospatial professionals to access what they need from the architectural design and urban planning aspect of big 3D city design projects, however.

Esri offers a free, 30-day CityEngine trial. The design tool integrates with the ArcGIS platform. Greater interoperability has been built into the latest version, which increases design potential. Developers have also strengthened the product’s stability, enhanced street creation functions, and added an open-space tool for more accurate architectural design.

New features in CityEngine include the library of design rules for facades, buildings, and streets. These preconfigured rules make it possible for users to spend more time designing models and less time coding the rules for them. To add another level of realism to the model, developers can use CityEngine SDK sample plug-ins to interact with the popular game engine Unity or other 3D software such as Maya. Developers can find these samples and download the CityEngine SDK at GitHub. (more…)

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