Both large full size satellites as well as small satellites are now being used for various purposes around the globe. In addition, constellations of satellites are being developed for specific purposes, such as internet satellites. We also include here maritime surveillance that relies on Satellite Automatic Identification System (AIS) payload.

Archive for the ‘Skybox Imaging’ Category
GISCafe Special Coverage: The World of State-of-the-Art Satellites, Reusable Spacecraft and More
Thursday, March 15th, 2018Tags: cloud, data, DigitalGlobe, geospatial, GIS, imagery, Infrastructure, intelligence, LiDAR, location, mapping, remote sensing, satellite imagery, situational intelligence, small sats
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Small Satellite Questionnaire for GISCafe Voice: February Special Coverage!
Thursday, January 11th, 2018This questionnaire is aimed at those who do research and development on “smallsats,” as well as those customers of small sats, and companies providing third party solutions for them.
Tags: data, geospatial, GIS, imagery, Infrastructure, intelligence, LiDAR, location, maps, mobile, NASA, navigation, satellite imagery, small sats
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GISCafe at GEOINT 2015
Monday, June 15th, 2015Next week GISCafe will be flying to GEOINT 2015 Symposium held June 22-25 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C.
Tags: ArcGIS, Autodesk, cloud, crowdsourcing, data, ESRI, geospatial, GIS, Google, GPS, imagery, Infrastructure, intelligence, Intergraph, iPhone, LiDAR, location, mapping, maps, Microsoft, NASA, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, NOAA, remote sensing, Safe Software, satellite imagery, social media, USGS
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What happens now: Google Enterprise products no longer supported by Google
Thursday, March 5th, 2015What has been an un-announcement in the geospatial industry is the fact that Google Maps Engine and Google Earth Enterprise are to be discontinued by Google. It’s possible that Google didn’t send out a press release about this because their customers, who are mainly consumers, may mistake the message to mean that Google Maps and Google Earth will be discontinued by Google, which is absolutely not the case.
Tags: ArcGIS, climate change, cloud, data, ESRI, geospatial, GIS, Google, Google Earth Enterprise, Google Maps, Google Maps Engine, imagery, intelligence, LiDAR, location, mapping, navigation, remote sensing, satellite imagery, smartphones, social media
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GISCafe Voice Techno-Predictions for 2015
Tuesday, January 27th, 2015In the United States alone, geospatial data and services are estimated to generate $1.6 trillion annually.
Tags: Autodesk, Bentley, Bentley Systems, crowdsourcing, ESRI, geospatial, GIS, Google, Google Maps, GPS, imagery, Infrastructure, intelligence, LiDAR, location, maps, remote sensing, satellite imagery, social media
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Happy New Year and 2015 GISCafe Voice Editorial Calendar!
Tuesday, January 6th, 2015Happy New Year from GISCafe!
Tags: ArcGIS, Autodesk, Bentley, Bentley Systems, Citysourced, climate change, cloud, crowdsourcing, ESRI, geospatial, GIS, LiDAR, location, mapping, maps, mobile, NASA, satellite imagery, social media
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Special Blog Coverage of 3D Cities Coming in November!
Monday, October 20th, 2014During the week of November 17th, GISCafe Voice will run a special feature blog on the topic, “3D Cities: Envisioning Communities of the Future.”
Tags: 3D cities, ABI Research, AEC, ArcGIS, Autodesk, Bentley, Bentley Systems, Citysourced, climate change, cloud, crowdsourcing, data, DigitalGlobe, ESRI, geospatial, GIS, Google, Google Maps, imagery, Infrastructure, intelligence, Intergraph, LiDAR, location, maps, Microsoft, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, remote sensing, Safe Software, satellite imagery, social media, TomTom, USGS
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