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Archive for the ‘BlackSky’ Category

Calling All Geospatial Data Providers for Upcoming GISCafe Special Coverage

Friday, May 4th, 2018

Data providers abound in the GIS and geospatial industry. Choices range from mapping, built and natural terrain modeling, survey, GIS/LIS technologies, geospatial web, asset inventory, mapping, geodetic and engineering surveying, photogrammetry, satellite imagery and real-time satellite data, remote sensing, aerial and ground-based LiDAR surveys, geographic and land information systems (GIS/LIS), and spatial computing and analysis, data provided by drones, and much more.

McMurdo Station Iceberg, Antarctica, NASA, taken from a small sat.


GISCafe Special Coverage: The World of State-of-the-Art Satellites, Reusable Spacecraft and More

Thursday, March 15th, 2018

Both large full size satellites as well as small satellites are now being used for various purposes around the globe. In addition, constellations of satellites are being developed for specific purposes, such as internet satellites. We also include here maritime surveillance that relies on Satellite Automatic Identification System (AIS) payload.

Hamburg Port Rathaus, European Space Imaging


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