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Posts Tagged ‘location’

Trimble Cityworks Expands GIS-Centric Enterprise Asset Management for Public

Thursday, August 25th, 2022

Geospatial data  is one of the most critical elements for infrastructure improvement projects and asset management. The GIS provides context for where infrastructure is placed, its attributes, topography, maintenance history, and much more.  These attributes  track an asset’s  performance and catalog its proximity to other assets. Trimble Cityworks adds to this context by providing historical activity of when and how the infrastructure was placed, what type of work has been performed against the infrastructure, and the ability to identify the encompassing business risk should that infrastructure fail. With its platform architecture, Cityworks is able to consume various sources of data which inform organizations and assist with smart and efficient planning as stewards within their communities.

Cityworks was acquired by Trimble in 2019. It is built as a GIS-centric, platform-based software for asset management and permitting across the asset lifecycle with added capabilities for project management, contract management, and activity-based solutions. Cityworks, alongside e-Builder, a Trimble Solution that integrates on the platform, provides comprehensive asset management from the permitting phase through building and inspection into operations and maintenance. 

Recently within Trimble, a new sector was created that is specifically focused on owners of infrastructure and the public sector. The Owner &  Public Sector includes Cityworks and e-Builder along with Trimble Utilities and AgileAssets, which specializes in pavement management. These solutions are positioned as part of the construction sector with a focus on the public sector to and are focused on completing and fulfilling the different stages of the design, build, and operate process to provide a comprehensive GIS-centric solution for the public sector.  (more…)

Missouri Department of Health Uses GIS to Track COVID-19 Viral Load in Wastewater

Thursday, March 17th, 2022

Methods of tracking Covid-19 are becoming more specific and exact as time goes on. With concerns of the spread of the COVID- 19 and its variants as well as the lack of comprehensive testing programs, many locations are turning to wastewater testing to effectively track the “viral load” of COVID-19 in their communities and help guide the battle against the spread of COVID-19. In the state of Missouri, officials are using GIS and mapping to track all the data around the spread of COVID-19 and guide policy and planning decisions.

In the state of Missouri, officials are using GIS and mapping to track all the data around the spread of COVID-19 and guide policy and planning decisions.


GISCafe Voice Industry Predictions 2022 – Part 4

Friday, February 18th, 2022

Artificial intelligence, augmented reality, maximizing the value of Digital Twins, higher refresh rate on satellite data, and a new group of users: geospatial immigrants are among this week’s 2022 Industry Predictions. The industry needs to ensure two things for this category of users who don’t care if the data is geospatial or anything about it – firstly that users are getting the right data for their needs, and secondly that they are able to access it easily.

courtesy of Getmapping


GISCafe Voice Industry Predictions for 2022 – Part 3

Thursday, February 3rd, 2022

In this third installment of the GISCafe Voice Industry Predictions for 2022, our respondents look at fascinating and timely topics such as startup collaboration in the remote sensing and “new space” industry from Ellipsis Drive. Hexagon brings in the historical perspective and what could help or could’ve helped in certain disasters – automation, new uses for augmented and virtual reality, and remote sensing in space. There is not a day that goes by that one doesn’t hear something about the supply chain – and geospatial can definitely help with that. Geodecisions is working on the supply chain as a new element of location analytics.


GISCafe Voice Industry Predictions for 2022 – Part 1

Friday, January 7th, 2022

It is not surprising that the same GIS industry concerns arise that we had in 2021, follow us into 2022. Technology is morphing to keep pace with the new challenges put forth in the world, and what has been in development for many years is being put to the test.

We have not arrested Covid, rather we are living in a time of more virulent disease, if not as potent as our first go round. What is sustainable? How can technology assist? How deeply are our industries affected by the ever-changing landscape of health, climate, geography and work?


GISCafe Geospatial Technology Wrapup – 2021

Friday, December 10th, 2021

Much of 2021’s important news had to do with digital twin technology, responding to climate change and artificial intelligence, as well as Covid-19 response for businesses. Reducing the world’s carbon footprint is a major priority for most organizations and technologies are being lined up to address this priority.


Basis Technology’s Rosette NLP Software Makes Sure Nothing is Lost in Translation

Thursday, September 30th, 2021

In an interview with Robert Wall, Account Executive at Basis Technology, GISCafe president Sanjay Gangal asked about Basis Technology’s Rosette natural language processing software (NLP) that has been widely used in the defense, intelligence and civilian sectors for quite some time.


Tecta America Zero Company Uses Nearmap to Add Value to Roofing Projects

Friday, September 17th, 2021

As a result of the pandemic, the Tecta America Zero Company needed a solution for viewing and assessing project sites that was effective and efficient. After the COVID-19 pandemic closed businesses and restricted access to viewing projects onsite, the Tecta America Zero Company’s recognized that its remote viewing capabilities became more important than ever.

US Capitol, Image courtesy of Nearmap

Tecta America Zero Company had been managing roofing projects across the U.S. for years, using aerial imagery for greater accuracy. When Covid-19 shifted everything, they were in the right place at the right time. The company could provide accurate assessment of roofing projects to keeping employees safe during COVID and decrease travel costs, by using Nearmap’s content that made it possible for Tecta America Zero Company to work smarter and safer.

A neighborhood in Salt Lake City, Utah, Image courtesy of Nearmap

Tecta has an indepth understanding of communities and resources that are only available to a large roofing company. Nearmap aerial imagery is used for roofing installation and replacement projects, new construction, and repairs across the country. Further, Nearmap provides the Tecta America Zero Company instant access to up-to-date and historical aerial imagery and geospatial intelligence.

Nearmap is unique in its capture of aerial imagery, focusing on currency, consistency, coverage, and accessibility. Nearmap’s wide-scale capture program is regularly updated (up to three times annually). The company delivers imagery at a consistent sub 3” GSD, and its automated photogrammetry pipeline ensures that color, stitching, and clarity are seamless. Nearmap offers expansive coverage across 1,750 urban areas across the U.S., including 80.1% of the population. Imagery is published within days of capture and Nearmap customers like the Tecta America Zero Company have 24/7 access to aerial content through a web app, API, or third-party integration. Customers report Nearmap is much more accurate than Google Earth.


Orbit Logic Adds Augmented Reality to SpyMeSat

Friday, September 3rd, 2021

Recently in the news we have seen a lot of satellite imagery depicting fires and hurricanes and their resultant damage, as well as satellite imagery of wartorn areas of the world such as Afghanistan. Of course this type of imagery is not new, but new ways of being able to display and gain greater understanding of a situation are invaluable to those tasked with analyzing such data.

Greenbelt, Maryland’s Orbit Logic’s SpyMeSat mobile app now includes an augmented reality (AR) interface that provides better awareness of overflying imaging satellites. The AR view overlays the orbit and position of satellites that can image your location, providing a better understanding of satellite viewing geometry and potential obstructions; e.g., to know if an image taken by that satellite of your position would be obscured by a tree or a building. The AR interface also displays relevant information about the satellite and its capabilities, that includes the timing and dynamic geometry of the pass as well as the resolution achievable by satellite sensors. (more…)

Cityworks OpX 1.0 Makes It Possible to Quickly Initiate Projects During Disasters and Emergency Management Events

Friday, July 30th, 2021

Recently Becky Tamashaky, Vice President of Product Vision at Cityworks, conducted a video interview with Sanjay Gangal from GISCafe.


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