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Posts Tagged ‘USGS’

The Role of AI/ML in Intelligence and National Security

Friday, December 4th, 2020

An interview with the Hon. Susan Gordon, Former Principal Deputy Director of National Security, by Balan Ayyar, CEO, was conducted at the USGIF GEOINT Community Forum Online in the past weeks. Ayyar is the Founder and CEO of, a Silicon Valley-based AI, machine learning and computer vision firm focused on intelligence and national security missions and the company is the title sponsor of the USGIF. Ayyar is also a retired U.S. Air Force General Officer. His last role was as the commanding general of the combined joint interagency task force 435 in Kabul, Afghanistan.


ENVI Virtual Analytics Symposium: “Geospatial Vision for the Next Decade”

Thursday, September 10th, 2020

Tammy Owen, Global Director of the Defense and Intelligence business area for L3Harris Geospatial, introduced speakers on the first day of the 6th annual ENVI Analytics Symposium held August 25-27th, which for the first time, was held virtually rather than in person in Boulder, Colorado as had been initially planned.


Boundless Ventures Offline with the Offline Tile Server

Wednesday, June 6th, 2018

Anthony Calamito, chief geospatial officer at Boundless talked about the Boundless Offline Tile Server that delivers rapid access to basemaps around the world, drilling down to the street and building level, to professionals who can’t rely on internet connectivity out in the field.


Special GISCafe Coverage: Geospatial Data Providers and Services

Thursday, May 24th, 2018

Data providers abound in the GIS and geospatial industry. Choices range from mapping, built and natural terrain modeling, survey, GIS/LIS technologies, geospatial web, and asset inventory, mapping, geodetic and engineering surveying, photogrammetry, satellite imagery and real-time satellite data, remote sensing, aerial and ground-based LiDAR surveys, geographic and land information systems (GIS/LIS), 3D scanning, and spatial computing and analysis and much more.

Hamburg Port Rathaus, European Space Imaging


From the Highest Mountaintop to the Arabian Desert with Geospatial

Thursday, October 26th, 2017

While a large percentage of the civilized world has been mapped, the world’s mountains have not been among those areas to be mapped as they most often located in remote landscapes. Now available from the USGS is a new web based browsing tool that gives users the most detailed view yet of the world’s mountains, that can be viewed on a cellphone or desktop computer.


Bentley Year In Infrastructure 2016 – Integrating GIS and BIM

Thursday, November 3rd, 2016

It’s difficult not to be inspired when attending the Bentley Year In Infrastructure Conference, with so many talented professionals gathered to show off their infrastructure projects.

Innovation in Rail and Transit Winner: Bandedamark - New Line, Copenhagen-Ringsted, Copenhagen Capital Region, Denmark

Innovation in Rail and Transit Winner: Bandedamark – New Line, Copenhagen-Ringsted, Copenhagen Capital Region, Denmark. Image Courtesy of Bentley Systems


GISCafe Voice Esri User Conference 2016 Report

Saturday, July 2nd, 2016

The question: what do we do with all this data? Is one that really runs parallel with the theme of this year’s Esri User Conference held in San Diego, entitled, “GIS Enabling a Smarter World.”

Jack Dangermond, CEO and President of Esri

Jack Dangermond, CEO and President of Esri


FedGIS 2016 Summit: Earth Science as it is Today

Thursday, March 10th, 2016

At Esri Federal GIS two weeks ago, there were a number of three-hour presentations called “Summits” that focused on particular areas of expertise and featured many federal agency experts.

IMG_4719 (more…)

Esri Federal User Conference 2016 Kicks Off

Thursday, February 25th, 2016

It would seem from the presentations at the Esri Federal User Conference 2016 held in Washington D. C. this week, that the federal government is becoming more “open” on the subject of data, while at the same time protecting the nation’s security perhaps more fiercely than ever.

JackDangermond (more…)

Avenza’s PDF Maps and Affiliate Program for Digital Natives

Friday, January 15th, 2016

In a world that is rapidly becoming less paper based and more dependent upon digital products, the introduction of a map app that copies the model of iTunes and Kindle is an appealing commodity. Avenza’s PDF Maps does just this: makes PDF maps downloadable on mobile devices to be available anywhere – while abroad, in remote areas and in the back country.

Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon


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