Posts Tagged ‘Autodesk’
Friday, January 21st, 2022
Two weeks ago our Industry Predictions took a look at NVIDIA’s foray into geospatial with artificial intelligence and their digital twin of the earth. This week builds on those themes, as Dr Aaron Morris, co-founder of Allvision and Shehzan Mohammed, Director of 3D Engineering and Ecosystems, Cesium peer into the crystal ball to find AI and Machine Learning (ML) making a significant impact on GIS of the future.

GeoSapient looks forward to the improvement of sustainability through environmental, social and governance (ESG) transparency and industry collaboration. And to weave it all together, according to John Kelly, president and co-founder of GeoSapient, digital twin technology with ESG “will help the operators place themselves at the center of a sustainable supply chain and trace specific products to their final use.” (more…)
Tags: Autodesk, autonomous vehicles, climate change, cloud, data, geospatial, GIS, GNSS, imagery, indoor mapping, Infrastructure, mapping, maps, mobile, navigation, reality modeling, remote sensing, satellite imagery, social media No Comments »
Thursday, December 19th, 2019
The year in review is defined in large part by what drives the technology sector. Natural phenomenon such as fires and floods, earthquakes and hurricanes require continual vigilance to be able to record, predict, respond to and recover from. The effort of Digital Cities is an effort to maintain cities in a more efficient manner, with heightened emphasis on people and data.

Tags: ArcGIS, Autodesk, autonomous vehicles, Bentley, Bentley Systems, climate change, cloud, data, ESRI, GIS, health, imagery, indoor mapping, Infrastructure, intelligence, laser scanner, lbs, LiDAR, location, mapping, maps, mobile, mobile mapping, navigation, real estate, reality modeling, remote sensing, situational intelligence, underground mapping No Comments »
Tuesday, February 19th, 2019
Digital twin technology has been talked about a great deal over the past few years, and is being worked on in various technology segments. At one time it was the province of manufacturing and now it is part of the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and data analytics. It is also being explored by numerous industries.

Tags: ArcGIS, Autodesk, autonomous vehicles, Bentley Systems, climate change, cloud, data, ESRI, geospatial, GIS, imagery, indoor mapping, Infrastructure, intelligence, LiDAR, location, mapping, mobile mapping, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, reality modeling, remote sensing, satellite imagery, social media No Comments »
Thursday, January 10th, 2019
Welcome to Part II of our GISCafe Industry Predictions for 2019.
As we had so many responses to our request for predictions, this series will take several parts. This installment includes writings from Pitney Bowes, VESTRA, Presagis, and Microdrones.
Tags: ArcGIS, Autodesk, climate change, cloud, crowdsourcing, data, ESRI, geospatial, GIS, GPS, imagery, indoor mapping, Infrastructure, intelligence, LiDAR, location, mapping, maps, mobile, mobile mapping, reality modeling, remote sensing, satellite imagery, situational intelligence, small sats, underground mapping No Comments »
Thursday, November 15th, 2018
Colin Snow of Skylogic, LLC, spoke with GISCafe Voice about the company’s 2018 Drone Market Sector Summary Report that was recently published. This is the third annual report published by the company.
 2018 Drone Market Sector Report
Tags: air pollution, Autodesk, cloud, crowdsourcing, data, GIS, GNSS, imagery, location, mapping, maps, mobile mapping, remote sensing, satellite imagery, situational intelligence, underground mapping No Comments »
Wednesday, November 7th, 2018
GISCafe will focus on specific editorial for 2019, so be sure to check in with our Editorial Calendar to find out when might be a good time for your story to be shown. Throughout the year, we provide space for Current Events, as the technology industry is evolving, and we can’t know at the time of this writing just what will be new, groundbreaking and/or disruptive in the coming year.

Tags: 3D Laser Mapping, air pollution, Autodesk, autonomous vehicles, Bentley, Bentley Systems, climate change, cloud, crowdsourcing, data, ESRI, geospatial, GIS, GNSS, Google, Google Maps, GPS, imagery, indoor mapping, Infrastructure, intelligence, Intergraph, LiDAR, mapping, maps, mobile, mobile mapping, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, navigation, NOAA, real estate, reality modeling, satellite imagery, situational intelligence, small sats, smartphones, social media, underground mapping No Comments »
Friday, July 20th, 2018
Epson announced this month two new high-speed, easy-to-use wide-format SureColor® T-Series plotters – the Epson SureColor T3170 24-inch desktop printer and the SureColor T5170 36-inch floor-standing printer. While these printers benefit professionals and workgroups across a range of industry segments including architecture, engineering, CAD, GIS, education, corporate, home and small office settings, the new wireless printers also feature an all-new clean and compact design coupled with the reliable printing performance inherent in Epson’s technical printer solutions.
Tags: ArcGIS, Autodesk, Bentley, Bentley Systems, data, Epson, geospatial, GIS, mapping, maps, mobile, navigation, printers No Comments »
Wednesday, December 6th, 2017
In a conversation with Robert Carroll, VP of 3-D commercial and government for Nearmap, he talked about the latest announcement for Nearmap of new location content information, the Nearmap Panorama and Nearmap Oblique, now available through a new MapBrowser™ interface.. Nearmap is a location content provider specializing in high-resolution aerial maps. Delivered within days of capture, Nearmap shows changes over time. Users save time and money, reduce site visits, and efficiently plan with current, clear imagery.
Tags: ArcGIS, Autodesk, data, ESRI, GIS, imagery, Infrastructure, intelligence, LiDAR, location, satellite imagery No Comments »
Thursday, November 30th, 2017
GISCafe Editorial Calendar 2018*

01/23-01/25 Esri Geodesign Summit Redlands, CA
Editorial topics:
- Top Geospatial Predictions for 2018
- 3D Cities and Geospatial
Editorial topics:
- Small Sats Update
- Current Events

23/20-3/21 Esri Federal GIS Conference 2018, Washington D.C.
Editorial topics:
- Esri Federal Conference Coverage
- Current Events
 Robert Cardillo, the director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, speaks to the GEOINT 2017 symposium June 5. Credit: USGIF
Tags: ArcGIS, Autodesk, Bentley Systems, climate change, cloud, GIS Day, Google Maps, hurricanes, imagery, indoor mapping, Infrastructure, intelligence, LiDAR, location, maps, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, reality modeling, satellite imagery, situational intelligence, small sats, social media No Comments »
Wednesday, August 23rd, 2017
In a webinar this month, HP executives talked about the exciting new approach and commercial solutions for virtual reality (VR). Together with NVIDIA, they have teamed up with Autodesk Fusion, LaunchForth, Technicolor, Unreal Engine and HTC VIVE to launch HP Mars Home Planet, a global project using virtual reality to simulate what a human population of one million could look like on Mars. HP has also unveiled what appears to be the first professional wearable VR PC – the new HP Z VR Backpack. Crafted to bring the full potential of VR to-life, it is designed to be a secure and manageable wearable VR PC.
 HP Z VR Backpack used for training purposes.
Tags: ArcGIS, Autodesk, climate change, cloud, crowdsourcing, data, ESRI, geospatial, GIS, GPS, imagery, indoor mapping, Infrastructure, intelligence, mapping, satellite imagery No Comments »