Archive for the ‘image-delivery software’ Category
Monday, July 18th, 2022
GISCafe CEO Sanjay Gangal recently interviewed Suzi Shoemaker, President and Chief Operating Officer at AerialSphere and owner of a Australian Shepherd/heeler mix, about AerialSphere, a 360-degree aerial panoramic imagery provider.
Sanjay: Suzi, tell us about AerialSphere.
SS: AerialSphere is a 360-degree aerial panoramic imagery provider, which includes geolocated information within every pixel of the image, giving the viewer the opportunity to overlay any type of data that has location information included.
SG: Okay, and how did AerialSphere get started?
SS: AerialSphere got started when two aerial photographers and entrepreneurs, one of those aerial photographers was an inventor, were introduced to each other right about the time Google Street View became popular. One of the entrepreneurs took a look at that and said, “Hey, I’ve done some drone work with some 360-cameras, but wouldn’t it be cool if we could do this with aerial imagery and be able to provide a mass capture imagery over major metropolitan areas, so that you could utilize the imagery to be able to do something very similar, but from a different perspective?”
Tags: cloud, data, ESRI, geospatial, GIS, imagery, satellite imagery No Comments »
Thursday, March 17th, 2022
Methods of tracking Covid-19 are becoming more specific and exact as time goes on. With concerns of the spread of the COVID- 19 and its variants as well as the lack of comprehensive testing programs, many locations are turning to wastewater testing to effectively track the “viral load” of COVID-19 in their communities and help guide the battle against the spread of COVID-19. In the state of Missouri, officials are using GIS and mapping to track all the data around the spread of COVID-19 and guide policy and planning decisions.
 In the state of Missouri, officials are using GIS and mapping to track all the data around the spread of COVID-19 and guide policy and planning decisions.
Tags: 3D Laser Mapping, ArcGIS, ESRI, geospatial, GIS, imagery, Infrastructure, intelligence, location, mapping, maps, mobile mapping, navigation, reality modeling, remote sensing, social media No Comments »
Friday, February 18th, 2022
Artificial intelligence, augmented reality, maximizing the value of Digital Twins, higher refresh rate on satellite data, and a new group of users: geospatial immigrants are among this week’s 2022 Industry Predictions. The industry needs to ensure two things for this category of users who don’t care if the data is geospatial or anything about it – firstly that users are getting the right data for their needs, and secondly that they are able to access it easily.
 courtesy of Getmapping
Tags: air pollution, ArcGIS, broadband, climate change, cloud, crowdsourcing, data, geospatial, GIS, GNSS, health, hurricanes, imagery, indoor mapping, Infrastructure, intelligence, laser scanner, LiDAR, location, maps, mobile mapping, reality modeling, remote sensing, satellite imagery, situational intelligence No Comments »
Friday, July 30th, 2021
Recently Becky Tamashaky, Vice President of Product Vision at Cityworks, conducted a video interview with Sanjay Gangal from GISCafe.
Tags: ArcGIS, broadband, Cityworks, cloud, data, ESRI, geospatial, GIS, health, hurricanes, imagery, Infrastructure, intelligence, location, mapping, mobile mapping, remote sensing, satellite imagery No Comments »
Thursday, June 17th, 2021
On January 4, 2018, which coincided with a perigean spring high tide (Perigean tides occur when the moon is either new or full and closest to Earth), a single storm moved ice onto an area of salt marsh in Massachusetts from nearby creeks and bays, carrying the equivalent of more than 15 years’ worth of sediment onto the marshes. Also, prior to the event, there was a prolonged cold snap that lasted for more than a week when temperatures never climbed above 32 degrees.

Tags: climate change, cloud, data, geospatial, GIS, imagery, mapping, mobile mapping, remote sensing, satellite imagery No Comments »
Thursday, May 20th, 2021
In a recent Media News Briefing and Q&A session with Airbus Defence and Space, SVP Head of Earth Observation, Navigation and Science, Philippe Pham & Director of Intelligence Business François Lombard discussed the announcement of Pleiades Neo. The company is reshaping earth observation services and geospatial services by introducing Pleiades Neo, their first satellite.
 Evergreen in the Suez Canal, image courtesy of Airbus Defence & Space
Tags: cloud, data, geospatial, GIS, GNSS, imagery, Infrastructure, intelligence, laser scanner, LiDAR, navigation, remote sensing, satellite imagery No Comments »
Friday, March 5th, 2021
Better cloud and remote GIS tools, virtual and augmented reality have now blossomed in response to the demands put forth on our industry by the pandemic. Gaining access to analysis-ready geospatial data at a scale and with granularity never before possible is on the horizon. We thought we already knew about digital twins, but now we find out they are finally born? This is the way of the future and much more, we learn by checking in with companies Blue Marble and Omnisci, two companies with a finger on the pulse of what to watch for in geospatial.
Tags: 3D Laser Mapping, air pollution, ArcGIS, climate change, cloud, crowdsourcing, data, geospatial, GIS, Google, health, imagery, Infrastructure, intelligence, LiDAR, location, mapping, maps, mobile, mobile mapping, reality modeling, remote sensing, satellite imagery, situational intelligence, social media No Comments »
Friday, February 19th, 2021
Thematically, this week’s group of industry predictions can be boiled down to one topic: delivering the data that people need, in a format that they can understand to enable them to make the best possible evidence-based decisions quickly and confidently.
Tags: air pollution, cloud, data, ESRI, GIS, Google, imagery, indoor mapping, Infrastructure, intelligence, laser scanner, LiDAR, location, mapping, maps, mobile, mobile mapping, navigation, reality modeling, remote sensing, satellite imagery, small sats, social media No Comments »
Thursday, February 4th, 2021
Geospatial has responded to the past year’s calamitous changes with what it already had in place as well as shifted gears at the spur of the moment. GNSS advancements, bring-your-own-data, geospatial data acquisition, location analytics, supply chain logistics, Covid and dashboards, tracking trends, turning data into actionable information – all took front and center stage as far as technologies that surge forward into 2021 and beyond.

Tags: air pollution, autonomous vehicles, cloud, data, forestry, imagery, Infrastructure, intelligence, laser scanner, location, mapping, mobile, navigation, remote sensing No Comments »
Friday, January 8th, 2021
Looking forward to 2021 brings with it a necessary looking backward at what geospatial organizations and providers have had to deal with in 2020. On a regular basis throughout the next two months, GISCafe Voice will post industry predictions from professional geospatial organizations, looking at what vectors are influencing the industry and what directions the technologies will take. This week we will hear from spokespeople from Maptek, Nearmap, Septentrio and Sinclair Industries. Autonomous solutions, partnering with other technology providers, mapping critical care centers such as testing centers, cybersecurity and increased accuracy and analytics are all areas that geospatial and mapping have stepped up to as a result of Covid-19. The technology was there, ready to meet the sudden and unanticipated demand. What does that mean going forward? Greater resilience and growth, innovation at a more rapid pace, and much more, according to these industry professionals.

Tags: climate change, cloud, crowdsourcing, data, geospatial, GIS, GNSS, health, imagery, intelligence, location, mapping, maps, mobile, mobile mapping, real estate, reality modeling, remote sensing, satellite imagery, smartphones No Comments »