One would think that a large software company such as Autodesk would have more to do than to ferret out eBay sellers who are selling their software. But that obviously is not the case:
“The case of Timothy Vernor, the man Autodesk tried to stop selling their software on eBay, has had another day in court.
Vernor is a full-time eBay seller, usually of comic books. But in 2005 he found a copy of AutoCAD design software at a garage sale – software which usually sells for about $4,000.
Shortly after he put the CD on eBay the auction house received a lawyer’s letter from Autodesk alleging infringements of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act. eBay pulled the auction but Vernor complained and eBay, and Autodesk, eventually backed down.
But when Vernor chanced upon some more Autodesk CDs, apparently at another garage sale, they again hit him with DMCA notices.”
-Channel Register, Oct. 1, 2009, UK